Hey fans and friends,
The latest version of GoldenEye: Source is out there (unless you were living under a rock), and kicking some major heiny! With a successful launch netting us downloads in the vicinity of 25,000+ in just 5 days ; 7,000+ on moddb alone, we are humbled and thankful the playerbase continues to get behind us and is appreciative of our weekly and yearly efforts!
Right now we are still rank #1 for the 6th day running on moddb, and this is a testament to our resolve for making a quality experience for fans of goldeneye and fresh players to enjoy! If you are trying out GoldenEye: Source for the first time, now is the best opportunity we have given to get hooked on our many and varying gameplays. Is there a downside? Right off the bat you may feel overwhelmed. If you learn the crucial aspects and apply that knowledge consistently map-to-map you can overcome the first day syndrome!. So with that in mind...

<a href="
http://wiki.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/Playing_GoldenEye:_Source" target="_blank">Playing GoldenEye: Source[/url]
<a href="
http://wiki.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/Beta_4_Release_Documentation" target="_blank">Beta 4 Release Documentation[/url]
<a href="
http://wiki.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/GoldenEye:_Source_Scenario_Summary" target="_blank">GoldenEye: Source Game-mode Scenario Summary[/url]
There is a longer explanation on moddb.com because that is the market we decided needs to be educated a little more than our hardcore fans! If you are curious, head there though and read up in case you aren't quite the
GE:S expert you consider yourself to be.
http://www.moddb.com/media/embed/238247William, and his band of brothers had us on their Saturday podcast episode #71. Thanks to Wake, SSL, and Enzo for representing GE:S on the most informative and prominent HL2 Universe podcast seen on MobDB. Cheers to William, Emanuel and Thomas, who asked us some great questions.
Some big topics including the present release, and its impact and details ; As well as talk of the future with distribution and the subject of campaign. And of the team's past, while covering much about general modding's hurdles and positives.
Podcast 17 Website for downloads of the episode, interview and to check out the agenda of the whole episode. Worth a look and a listen!
Next update we will have embedded, the "cutting room floor" audio of the post show game session which was naturally, GoldenEye: Source! Stay tuned for that goodness.
[img alt=]http://my007heaven.net/gesupdates/B4/2010/24feb/beta4ost.png[/img]
Click on image for moddb mirror
Trent Robertson (
<a href="
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/basstronix" target="_blank" class="bbc_link new_win">www.soundclick.com/bands/basstronix[/url]
Greg Michalec (
Sole Signal)
Site: <a href="
http://www.solesignalmusic.com/" target="_blank" class="bbc_link new_win">www.solesignalmusic.com[/url]
Artist Facebook page: <a href="
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sole-Signal/198177539907" target="_blank" class="bbc_link new_win">
Yannick Zenhäusern (
Site: <a href="
http://www.yanzen-solutions.ch/" target="_blank" class="bbc_link new_win">www.yanzen-solutions.ch[/url]
Artist Facebook page: <a href="
http://www.facebook.com/pages/GoldenZen-music/262777997235" target="_blank" class="bbc_link new_win">
GoldenEye: Source boasts a large body of high quality remakes of those iconic and amazing goldeneye64 tracks, as well as a dozen or so original works so far by our three talented artists. Definitely a must even if you don't love playing our mod daily. iTunes will love you for it!
**Download mirror at bottom of post**
In the commitment to give the playing public quality crash and bug free conditions, we have already worked up a HOTFIX to address the tiny handful of bugs that dealt with certain limited gameplays. Right now over half the servers that have moved to Beta 4 have installed this hotfix through it's GoldenEye: Source forum distribution. However, please if you are certain a game-mode is not working right you could join another server that has the fix on it. This fix was released the 22nd. So servers, if you have not gotten the additional 4.02 Server files to be used over the top of the Beta 4
FULL ZIP, here you go :
hotfix 4.02 |
NEW 22nd (servers only) [11MB]
GESource.org Server HOTFIX<a href="
http://www.moddb.com/mods/goldeneye-source/downloads/goldeneye-source-beta-402-server-fix>ModDB.com Server HOTFIX[/url]
Thanks again for your continued support! Dont forget to check out our
, and any site you see us featured on! Subscriptions, watching and page views all help spread the word of our release on the 19th. The more we get noticed, the more players for you to enjoy the mod with! If you think you see a news article on the web we may not be aware of, you are encouraged to post the link on our forums, and feel free to email them about our release date!
GoldenEye: Source WIKIBeta 4 ChangelistBeta 4 OST download [right click to save]
Team GoldenEye: Source