Editing and Customization > Community Releases

Divideo Custom Weapon Sounds

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Oh dear.

You're not going to make 27 seperate threads are you?

I only made this sfx because people were telling me too

Rodney 1.666:

--- Quote from: Mangley on February 27, 2010, 07:49:26 pm ---Oh dear.

You're not going to make 27 seperate threads are you?

--- End quote ---
Well we can't have the KF7 sound a thread titled "Another attempt at a new DD44 sound.", can we.

Not terrible, but this one doesn't really sound like a gun at all. It might pass in say a much older FPS, but not here.
Maybe if it had some echo or some kind of oomph to it.

How are these..

Rodney 1.666:
You're gonna get sick of my nitpicks, but now they're sounding too deep.
It's really hard to explain in text what to listen for...


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