Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[KNOWN] Startup screen bug


Hi guys, i'm facing a problem with the game right now. Everytime (95% of the tries) i launch the game, the startup screen freeze. I tried reinstall Beta 4 and Steam so many times but the problem still. I think it's a bug with windows 7 cuz i tried with another hard drive with XP installed on and the game works pretty well.

Computer specs:

-AMD 6400 Athlon (Black Edition)
-8 gb DDR2 800MHz (4x2gb)
-Nvidia Asus ENGTS250 1G
-ATX 750w power supply
-Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit (won't work) / Windows XP Profesional 32bit (work fine)

add -novid to the launch options.  And also try not to click anywhere until the game is loaded...

Where's the launch option?  :P


--- Quote from: superturk57 on February 23, 2010, 10:28:14 pm ---Where's the launch option?  :P

--- End quote ---


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