Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[BUG] Beta 4 bugs


I have noticed a few bugs playing the new Beta. 

1.  Flag: When ducking while holding the flag after around a couple of minutes, the flag will start to go glitchy.  It doesn't stop me from playing properly, but it makes me dizzy if I look at it.  Its pretty bad.

2.  Opening Video:  If I start the game up and don't hit any buttons it works fine.  If I try to skip it by either hitting exit or clicking the mouse, the game crashes.

3.  Golden PP7: Sometimes when I shoot someone with the golden pp7, the game doesnt detect it.  I will see blood splatter out of the person, but they will not die.


2. Seems to be a problem with most OB mods I find the best thing to do is to  add -novid to GE:S launch options.
3. The blood is clientside and sometimes what you see and the server sees is different due to the internet not beign perfect.


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