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Damage - 32

Pump Shotgun:
Damage - 20

They don't look the same, in fact very different to me. ALL weapons have advantages and disadvantages. By tweaking them haphazardly to what you "THINK" is correct will result in disaster.

If you hate the klobb, make a custom weapon set without the klobb in it.

There is not much of a difference for anyone to notice.

Autoshotgun also penetrates, pump doesn't.


--- Quote from: trini8ed on February 24, 2010, 04:41:55 pm ---There is not much of a difference for anyone to notice.

--- End quote ---

HAHAHAHAHAA, I'll beat your ass 100% of the time with autoshotgun vs pump shotgun. Head shot with the autoshotgun deals 64 points of damage PER PELLET. The Pump shotgun only deals 40 damage per pellet.

64 * 5 = 320 damage
40 * 5 = 200 damage

If you only land 3 pellet with the pump shotgun I am still alive, 3 pellets with the auto shotgun and i am dead. That sounds like a big difference to me.

Not to mention I blaze through any armor you may have had with ease with the auto shotgun. Stop speaking out of your ass.

Mike [fourtecks]:
Someone peed in Kmonk's corn flakes today


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