hello there, I've been following this mod since late 2005, I'm VERY impressed with your latest release and i'm trying to spread the word about how good this mod is whenever I get the chance
thing is , now that you got movement speed back to GE64 levels all the players in cradle move like grandmas, wallstrafing helps a lot but still ......

just look how easy it is for a half-decent experienced 21yr old gamer with an ancient optical mouse ( intellimouse explorer 3.0 @ 250hz ) to achieve total pwnage with golden gun and moonraker laser
imo the situation is not even funny, just imagine how many ppl get frustrated and disconnect from the server when these things happen
So here's what i suggest, since we are not 9 years old and we are not using gamepads and 14" CRTs coupled with RF cables anymore those 2 guns need major adjustments.
1) remove red sight aiming from golden gun and laser, especially the laser does not need any kind of crosshairs IMO because you can clearly see where you're shooting at.
2) make laser's firing rate a bit slower and make its battery last for only 40-50 shots. after that you will have to pick a new one
3) increase armor's spawning time to about every 40 seconds minimum, it's just too easy to camp near a vest in cradle/basement classic and kill everyone in sight , btw anyone who is carrying the golden gun should not be able to pickup armor more than once in other game modes too, not just in MWGG
I know that you guys are trying hard to make a faithfull port of this classic N64 game to the source engine but i think most players prefer balance and equal playing field over 100% fidelity
Here's some technical issues that i noticed too
1) something weird must going on with the sound engine, explosions sound clipped and distorted, especially when you hear 3-4 mines go off simultaneously, also when the music track is changing i get a 2 second stutter before it loads the next one, sometimes it happens with explosion sounds too i think
2) i really like the new damage system even if i was a AR33/rcp90/zmg whore back in the older days but i think hit detection is still not 100% optimal, according to this official article
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_Multiplayer_Networking#Optimizations my settings should be rate 30000 cmdrate 101 updaterate 101 and cl_interp 0.02 for 100 tick servers and 30k/66/66 interp 0.03 for 66tick servers, i've found that these settings work fine most of the time but i still see some weird stuff going on, like shooting a moving player with a golden gun and not killing him even if i see his model splashing blood ( blood splashes are clientside i know ) fortunately i often have the luxury to hit him again, this time killing him :p maybe I was playing on crappy servers ?
3) I cap my fps at 100 with the fps_max 101 cvar and my framerate is most of the time very stable, unless i play on cradle where it can even go below 55fps, this is big no-no for 66tick servers IMO because if your fps drops lower than 66 then you send less updates per second to the server than you should send ( a am i wrong ? ) Is there a way to get 100fps FIXED ? an unofficial fps config maybe ? my current system for reference is an E6600 @ 3.3 ghz + 4gigs of ddr2 @ 740mhz + evga gtx260 @ 676/1158/1457 195.62 WHQL, should i try enabling multicore rendering the with cvar mat_queue_mode "2" ?
thanks again for you outstanding job, this total conversion reminds me so much of my childhood, it makes me feel like a little kid again