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nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« on: February 23, 2010, 07:40:58 am »

hello there, I've been following this mod  since late 2005, I'm VERY impressed with your latest release and i'm trying to spread  the word about how good this mod is whenever  I get the chance 

thing is , now that you got  movement speed  back to GE64 levels    all the players in  cradle move like  grandmas, wallstrafing  helps  a lot  but  still   ......

just look  how easy  it  is for a  half-decent experienced  21yr old  gamer with an ancient  optical mouse ( intellimouse explorer 3.0 @ 250hz )   to achieve total pwnage  with golden gun and  moonraker laser

imo the situation is not  even funny,  just imagine  how many  ppl  get  frustrated  and  disconnect from the  server when these things happen

So here's what i suggest, since we are not  9 years old  and we are not using  gamepads and 14" CRTs coupled with  RF cables anymore   those  2 guns  need  major adjustments.
1) remove red sight aiming  from  golden gun and laser, especially the laser does not  need any kind of crosshairs IMO  because you can clearly  see where you're shooting at.
2) make laser's firing rate  a bit  slower and  make its  battery last for only 40-50 shots. after that you  will have to pick a new one 
3) increase armor's spawning time to about every  40 seconds  minimum, it's just  too  easy  to  camp near a vest  in cradle/basement classic  and kill everyone in sight , btw  anyone who is carrying the golden gun  should not  be able to pickup armor more than once  in other game modes too, not just in   MWGG

I know that you guys  are trying hard to make a faithfull port of this classic N64  game to the source engine    but  i think most players prefer  balance and equal playing field   over 100% fidelity 

Here's some  technical issues that i noticed  too

1) something weird must going on with the  sound engine,  explosions sound  clipped and distorted, especially when  you hear  3-4  mines go off  simultaneously, also when the music track is changing  i get a 2 second stutter before it loads the  next one, sometimes it happens  with explosion sounds too  i think

2)  i really like the new  damage system  even if i was  a AR33/rcp90/zmg whore back  in the older days   but i think  hit detection is  still not  100% optimal,   according to this official article my settings  should be  rate 30000  cmdrate 101 updaterate 101  and cl_interp 0.02 for  100 tick servers and  30k/66/66 interp 0.03 for  66tick servers, i've found that these settings  work fine most of the time  but  i still  see some weird stuff going on, like  shooting  a moving player  with a golden gun  and  not killing him even if i  see his model  splashing blood  ( blood splashes  are clientside  i know  )  fortunately  i often  have the luxury  to hit him again, this time killing him :p  maybe I was playing on  crappy servers ?

3) I  cap my fps at  100  with the fps_max 101 cvar  and my framerate is most of the time very stable, unless i play on cradle  where it can even go below 55fps, this is big no-no for  66tick servers IMO  because if your fps drops lower than 66 then you   send  less updates per second  to the server than you should send  (  a am i wrong ? )  Is there a way to get  100fps  FIXED ? an unofficial fps config maybe ?    my current system for reference is an  E6600 @ 3.3 ghz  + 4gigs of ddr2  @ 740mhz +  evga gtx260 @  676/1158/1457  195.62 WHQL, should i try enabling  multicore  rendering the with cvar  mat_queue_mode "2" ?

thanks  again for you outstanding job, this total conversion   reminds me so much of my childhood, it makes me feel like a little kid  again :D
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 07:58:43 am by SoFGR »


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2010, 01:10:23 pm »

I strongly recomed a higher rate than 30000 (30KB/sec) if you have faster than a 1Mbit download speed.
Multicore rendering is dissabled in OB mods and only supported for TF2 and L4D, basically official Valve games.


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2010, 02:12:33 pm »

I agree on the laser bit for least some of it. No guns should ever lose their aim ability that would be ridiculous, and the Moonraker needs not more batteries it just needs a slower ROF and a bit less dmg. The GG however is perfectly can't decrease GG dmg or else it wouldn't be the GG anymore...not to mention if its easy for noobs to get good scores with it I don't see why anyone's complaining...if you are even half as good as the noob with the GG you can kill him and take it from him and do the same thing... the people who rage and leave are the people who suck at GE:S they can either keep practicing or quit playing.
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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 02:35:16 pm »

GG  should lose it's  aiming ability imo, every1 can  press shift and pick out targets in any range  quickly and with ease, but not any1  can do it  without crosshairs, damage is fine   i never  talked about decreasing it's  damage or sth.


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2010, 02:36:25 pm »

These are bad and ill-thought out suggestions I'm afraid.

The Golden Gun is a precision weapon. It's The slowest firing gun in the game. There's no rational reason to remove red sights from it. Also aren't people equally likely to get frustrated when they pick it up and can't aim as they would be being owned by it? Same for laser really.

Rate of fire/battery nerf? In GE:S rate of fire does not equal the effectiveness of the weapon. Shoot too fast and many of your shots will not be effective because of the invulnerability period.

Armor spawning rate is customisable by the server. I believe there is a cvar for it. Also, learn how to kill an armor camper. Golden Gun in non-MWGG gametypes is part of weapon sets. Understand this: weapon sets are completely customisable by the server.

It's much more balanced than you realise. Your idea of balance is game-breaking.
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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2010, 02:39:21 pm »

Maybe disallow the MWTGG to pickup armour and for armour to absorb 1 GG bullet?  Those are bout the only things that may make it a tad easier to kill the MWTGG and to not be killed quite so easy without affecting the GG damages or rate of fire.
But then I think it perhaps strays too far formt he original?


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2010, 03:21:52 pm »

Just need less games focused around the GGs...Either server rotation is garbage or something, because it is seriously MWTGG after MWTGG after MWTGG...


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2010, 03:37:36 pm »

Rate of fire/battery nerf? In GE:S rate of fire does not equal the effectiveness of the weapon. Shoot too fast and many of your shots will not be effective because of the invulnerability period.

Armor spawning rate is customisable by the server. I believe there is a cvar for it. Also, learn how to kill an armor camper. Golden Gun in non-MWGG gametypes is part of weapon sets. Understand this: weapon sets are completely customisable by the server.

You actually have a point  on invulnerability period, but still  you have to find  a way to make the laser less powerfull
On the  armor camping thing, thing is  that I'm not  talking about other armor whores ( i have yet to encounter one in my short playing time )   but about MYSELF, i can easily  get a 20-0 K:D  with a regular weapon set in facility  just by  camping in  one of the 2 armor  areas, you have to find a way  to make it more balanced, it should  be  more challenging  for players  like me  or even  better ones   ( like the Wn  guys  )   and less frustrating for unskilled  players. 

edit : keefy  how much  rate do you suggest ? my  download speed is about  800kb-1000kb/s   
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 03:41:52 pm by SoFGR »


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2010, 03:44:39 pm »

Maybe disallow the MWTGG to pickup armour and for armour to absorb 1 GG bullet? 

The MWTGG can only pickup armor ONCE and thats if they pickup the gun without ANY armor.

Absorbing shots completely defeats the purpose of the GG. Grow some balls.

This discussion is completely out of whack with reality. SoFGR if you want a challenge play with the WN's, OWS's, or the devs. We will rock your ass out of your boots. Judging this game by playing with noobs is not correct.

It doesn't matter what your client rate is, if the server is running at a set rate it'll clamp your transmissions anyway. The client does not dictate their updates, the server does.

ALSO, how long is this stutter? Are we talking like 10 millisecond jitter or 2-3 seconds of complete ass. I have less specs then you on my comp and experience damn near no stutter between music loads. Your sound card might be to blame on this one.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 03:46:54 pm by killermonkey »


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2010, 04:37:52 pm »

The MWTGG can only pickup armor ONCE and thats if they pickup the gun without ANY armor.
I thought it might work this way but wasnt sure.
Thinking about it I supose the GG absorbing 1 bullet if armoured up would cause more complaints of hit detection.

It doesn't matter what your client rate is, if the server is running at a set rate it'll clamp your transmissions anyway. The client does not dictate their updates, the server does.
Its always best to have rate high as possible especially on a full server, jsut because 1 server limits to 30000 or less  :o doesn't mean they all do.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 04:39:58 pm by keefy »


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2010, 05:04:03 pm »

Golden Gun's power level is 5000.  If you want to survive a strike from a golden gun, you are advised to collect 50 body armors.  12 if you are only concerned with limb hits.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 05:06:25 pm by Viashino Cutthroat »
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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2010, 05:12:16 pm »

hm  i think  i was misunderstood  due to my bad english,  i don't have  any problems  with GG's   damage range accuracy nor  the firing  rate hmmm, now that i think  of it, maybe  a  small firing  delay should  be introduced,  just like the cougar magnum, I've even managed quite a  few times to kill people at close-medium range  before they could  fire off  a rocket to my feet. ( maybe they were  too slow or it was a network  latency problem, who knows ) 

Thing is that i  captured that  screenshot  on a regular deathmatch server with the GG weapon set, and i can clearly remeber that i was able to pick up the body armor  every time i wanted, not just once like in the MWGG, this  MUST  be fixed 

Granted, maybe i was playing  with noobs, i even managed to resupply the GG when i ran out of golden bullets and keep killing ppl, BUT   what can a skilled player  do in order to take out the MWGG in cradle  when the rest of the weapon set is pistols  shotguns  and klobbs ??  what if there are no sniper rifles  in a large open map ?   

Oh and i would love to play more often  with  clan  members and developers  but I happen to  live in  greece  so i can only get <150 ms  in european servers
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 05:26:26 pm by SoFGR »


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2010, 07:19:44 pm »

Golden Gun's power level is 5000.  If you want to survive a strike from a golden gun, you are advised to collect 50 body armors.  12 if you are only concerned with limb hits.

I lawl'd.  Basically put, the Golden Gun is one shot kill and will NEVER be dumbed down from that.  To have Scaramanga's (sp?) signature weapon do anything less than one shot kill is ludicrous.

Lasers on the other hand are by far the most efficient and powerful weapons in the game.  Next to the Golden Gun, it's really the only weapon that seems to have one shot kill, granted ya get a headshot, potential.  Also, it shoots through doors, so yeah, I totally dig the lasers and would cry if they got nerfed honestly.


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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2010, 07:29:17 pm »

GG  should lose it's  aiming ability imo, every1 can  press shift and pick out targets in any range  quickly and with ease, but not any1  can do it  without crosshairs, damage is fine   i never  talked about decreasing it's  damage or sth.

This is a terrible idea... in fact people who use the aim feature only make themselves MORE vulnerable whether they are wielding the AuG or not. Aiming slows you down and most people stand still while aiming making them EASY targets for headshots. if you have a guy with the AuG standing around wasting time aiming hes already dead, at least if those of us who know how to actually play GE:S are in the server and like KM said just find some WNx or OWS and your challenge needs will be met and then some.

Most people just don't seem to want to learn something new. GE:S is awesome because it's not like your ordinary FPS, this game takes practice and skill and if you're new to it you're going to get raged on with the AuG and other powerful weapons for sure but stick it out a while and you'll see it's not as hard as you think it is.
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Re: nerf GG and moonraker PLZ !!!
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2010, 07:43:55 pm »

Like you said in the first post, you've been following this mod since 2005. What exactly do you think they've been doing over the last 5 years? Also, it seems like you haven't followed very closely or you'd understand why everything is the way it is.

They're remaking goldeneye, not playing around with it to suit their individual tastes. These suggestions and arguments are just based on your own gameplay experience.

They know what they're doing and they do take on board suggestions. But only if those suggestions are actually sensible and genuinely good ideas. Not stupid ideas or ideas that contradict their design goal.
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