"I have an anxiety disorder so its not like hauling a computer into a store is easy."
Squeeze that coinpurse and get some testosteronies in your blood stream. Trust me, no matter how freaked and neurotic you act, the people who work there have seen worse.
"I think my girlfriend of 6 years isnt in love with me like she was, anymore. We have been in a long distance thing for 4 of those now. And while I feel the same exact way as when i told her I loved her (we were good friends), I think she may have lost some feelings or been taken by someone in her real surroundings."
I think the reg flag here was the fact that your feelings didn't change after a half-decade of having no actual contact. That this person could be replaced by a non-crappy version of CleverBot and your daily life wouldn't really change underscores the problem.
Long distance doesn't work. I had a roommate in college from across the pond. He had a girlfriend, and it worked because every few months she'd find a chance to fly over and make our room smell like Bassy's hamper. Then they'd get bored and start trolling me, like some sort of two-headed bi-gendered Weclock. I should've gotten a lead pipe and engraved "email: sage" on it.
Don't they have wimmins in Oz? Or are they all locked away in bunkers to protect them from drop bears?