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We are back! Some Issues.
Jonathan [Spider]:
--- Quote from: TeRRoR.KhAoZ on July 09, 2007, 04:53:41 pm ---I supposed this means the mod is dead.... especially since about 7 team members have left in the last 2 months. I think you guys should just get a quick mini-patch out to fix the hit registration while you still have people playing the game.
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holy crap i must have missed the memo thanks for the heads up i guess i can get back to doing non GES stuff again.
my last check... we havent lost any devlopers of the mod, though we have lost 2 teamates. wake who was sort of our go to guy to help us with tasks and orginazation and testing, and clopy who was our dude who paid the bills for the site... thatsa bout it over the past couple months last i checked. other team mates that got taken down were people who have been inactive for months which might be more what your talking about i supose im not sure. also some of hte people you mentioned who you were talking to on aim and caliming to be devs... arent on my aim list haha and i think i have the most up to date and complete aim list for the team.
Welcome back xenobond.
--- Quote from: Lággy on July 08, 2007, 08:34:15 am ---What about the other 5 beta testers that have not re-register? What will happen to them?
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I "took care" of them ;)
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