Global Communications > Latest News & Announcements

We are back! Some Issues.

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Sean [Baron]:
Well, as you can see our website and forums are back up and running, but the problem is that because we had not made a backup anytime recently, everything is back to how it was around the release of the BETA. That means you will likely have to re-register, and we have some updating to do to forums again. We are very sorry for this inconvenience, and hopefully it won't happen again.

If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact me or any one of the adminstrators, and we'll try and sort everything out for you.

Good day,
Sean "Baron" Stock
Project Leader

This is like all of those video games where they go back in time.

What exactly happened?

Hello 2006

They don'y know.( they said that earlier, just incase you missed it) :D



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