Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[Beta 4.0] bugs & issues list

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I was on WNx's servers after the Beta 4 update and LTK mode seemed broken, is this just me, the server or is this already known and being fixed?

well it's fixed as of now for tomorrow so no worries :)

Awesome!  Glad to hear, kudo's on the quick reaction time and work guys. Seriously, most developers and modder's if there's bugs, even on RETAIL games it takes them forever it seems to patch stuff up.

Servers confirmed to be fixed :

- ANY with "jestservers" in the title
- OWS (octopussys wet spot)

The rest will start to update their servers with the hotfix tomorrow via the news posts released on the forum and moddb.

After this, there is no issue that is really our making. Valve ones are mostly what we see in this thread aside from the pre-serverfix issues.

In silo, if you turn your view slightly while right up against the door which faces out of the game (when the lift is in up position) you can see the HDR bloom effect take over your screen, not sure what causes it I think its when you're inside of a block which prevents the map from leaking


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