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Author Topic: Beta 4 - First Impressions.  (Read 17142 times)

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Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« on: February 20, 2010, 04:14:11 am »

- Great Level Updates, Many new areas, easter eggs, and revamps, people who played (And still play) the N64 Goldeneye like me got really amused.
- The addition of the new weapons, specially the laser, which made me yell "Pew pew pew pew pew!" Whenever I killed people with it.
- Less ping (Though I still get 200 Latency, used to get 300 on Beta 3).
- New Goldeneye Look & Feel: Great music work, Improved HDR, New Playermodels, Awesome Gamemodes and more.
- Sounds for the weapons are very realistic and well made.

Not so awesome:
- Getting stuck on some props.
- Achievement, first person to get the Hl2.exe memory error after trying to make a clientside server!
- Accuracy. The KF7 needs it's accuracy a teeny tiny bit higher.
- Lack of a Tank. (Yes, Perhaps a tank on Runway would do good?)
- Armor. The kevlar isn't making much difference.
- Headshots aren't always a kill. (For Snipers, that is.)
- The cameras should be destructible. (YES! More explosions.)
- Needs more Yahtzee Review.

Apart from some bugs and a few inconveniences, the progress on the release was greater than I could ever expect on this release. Being an old fan of Goldeneye (Having finished the N64 game up to 007 difficulty about 7 times and watched the movie over 60 times); I must admit you brought back my childhood with this release.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 06:53:58 pm by Jumbo_Grill »


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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 11:38:18 am »

"Headshots aren't always a kill"

In relation to damage, everything's quite close to the original game. Not all guns could kill with just one headshot (the majority of them actually).

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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 01:16:04 pm »

First Impressions after 7 hours playing:

- GREAT and surprising intro
- the game has a brand new feeling and a whole new atmosphere
- the Moonraker Laser is just awesome, one of the best weapons - it´s pure fun to shoot with
- granade launcher and rocket launcher kick ass..what a war last night  :D
- Trevelyan and the female scientist look great, very well designed
- the new blood screen, the reduced player speed, the breath-effect while walking
- now the cougar magnum feels like a purring cat in my virtual hand
- I love the props ! ( exploding kegs )
- the new animations: simply WOW
- the music has blown me away. masterpieces everywhere
- the new sounds: I like the new zip-sound of the body armor and the improved ZMG/Klobb/pp7-sounds.
-the new levels ( aztec/silo/caves/ facilitybackzone/classic etc.) made my dreams come true
- the remade levels ( cradle / runway / archives ) are perfect now, I think. because of the the changes the gameplay became more fluent
- the new gamemodes are pure FUN, especially live and let day and capture the key

-some bugs in silo. there´s an elevator which seems to be the gate to another world  ;)
-the explosion sound needs some bass-improvements or variations, I think. after a while it sounds a little bit monotonously
- in L&LD the baron-symbol on the radar needs to be more obvious ( maybe a different colour ?). and maybe you could light up the baron himself, so that he appeals to be more stronger and more special.
-still don´t like the kf7 soviet sound. it has to be more metallic
- aztec has some dead ends ( I´ll make a screen soon) and maybe needs some explosive kegs, too :P
- the player with the golden gun in MWTGG (maybe ?) should get 2 points after shooting someone. it´s the old problem: there are people who doesn´t want the g-gun, because they have much faster weapons

that´s all for the moment. thank you very very much, you made me speechless. and the event was pure fun yesterday..and it was great to play against some of you developers
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 02:00:25 pm by The Cy »
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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 02:05:33 pm »

Making those weapons fire faster would make them weaker.  Trust me on the math.

KF7 was buffed slightly before release, I may tweak it again, but it is supposed to be the trash rifle like Klobb is the trash SMG and DD44 the trash pistol.

Baron is supposed to be sneaky. Functioning as intended.

"the player with the golden gun in MWTGG (maybe ?) should get 2 points after shooting someone."

Haven't they suffered enough?
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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 02:21:07 pm »

LOL, VC you are epic.


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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 04:01:22 pm »

Making those weapons fire faster would make them weaker.  Trust me on the math.

KF7 was buffed slightly before release, I may tweak it again, but it is supposed to be the trash rifle like Klobb is the trash SMG and DD44 the trash pistol.

Baron is supposed to be sneaky. Functioning as intended.

"the player with the golden gun in MWTGG (maybe ?) should get 2 points after shooting someone."

Haven't they suffered enough?

Needs more suffering.
Plus I'll brb, Need to do something with the Goldeneye 64 Rom and get Baron's Laugh.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 04:04:43 pm by Jumbo_Grill »


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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 05:43:54 pm »

Before we start, could you please devide pro's and cons with bold titles instead of color? This is killing my eyes... >.<

- Firing Rates. Guns like the RPC-90, KF7 and the Klobb need their firerate a bit higher.

- Accuracy. The KF7 needs it's accuracy a teeny tiny bit higher.

- Lack of a Tank. (Yes, Perhaps a tank on Runway would do good?)
I don't give a fsck, especially not because it is MP and the tank should not be drivable and mostly not because the current section would have to be removed and a little not because it doesn't add fsck...

- Armor. The kevlar isn't making much difference.
It is doing just fine...

- Headshots aren't always a kill.
Watch the Nahtzee review below.

- The cameras should be destructible. (YES! More explosions.)

- Needs more Yahtzee Review.
A Nahtzee review should do fine instead:

And yes, that video is intended for you! :-*

UPDATE: I totally forgot to give my feedback since I have been able to get to play beta foar this morning:

The entire Beta 4 release

Some idiodic newby whiners, that for example complain about the lack of croshairs, bash ge_archives for having to know that there is a secret door (yes >.<) and moar stuff that is 2 dangerous 4 forums.

Conclusion: While not being the complete release yet (Oh rly?) this beta 4 is sooooooo much better than any commercial game made in the last 10 years. Yes I am absolutely serious about that claim!

Congrats guys, you nailed it! _O_
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 05:55:24 pm by V!NCENT »


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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 06:19:07 pm »

Last night I spawned in the same room as somone else within seconds, over and over again.  This could however be because there were 100+ people playing last night, and lots of full servers.


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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2010, 07:43:34 pm »

We really appriciate the feedback guys, thank you so much for enjoying the game that we pour our hearts into!

Complete: Ge_Runway (now under care of CC Saint); Ge_Caverns // W.I.P.:Ge_Streets; Ge_Depot; Ge_Train;


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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2010, 08:26:12 pm »

Eh, though I'm inclined to agree with Vince, I must protest the best game in 10 years thing.  There's been atleast ONE close one or I would've dropped FPS games shortly after the demise of Goldeneye 64.  Granted MOHAA and original CoD didn't have the content that Goldeneye had, they were still great FPS games.  Don't sell em short.  As far as console games, oh yeah, deffinatley up there on beating most of them.


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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2010, 09:36:51 pm »

Cool game. My only suggestion, a run or sprint feature.


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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2010, 09:52:32 pm »

Was there on in the original game ?
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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2010, 10:00:58 pm »

Was there on in the original game ?
Not really, the nearest thing to a sprint feature was speed strafing which is kind of included in thi s mod due to a bug in the source engine when strafign along a wall :)

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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2010, 11:14:57 pm »

Was there on in the original game ?

there wasn't jumping either but we got that lol.

but yea wall strafing is sort of our sprint.
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Re: Beta 4 - First Impressions.
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2010, 03:02:17 am »

So, I've played it, I love it, I have some feedback.

The music is as epic as 3.1, but better.
Facility full! omgomgomg
Rolling explosions
Game modes

'Lift' doors on silo are apparently not there and I can walk straight through them - this happens with the chair by the desk in the 'interrogation room' in Archives too.
Rocket launchers need moar movement - when you fired a rocket in GE64, or had none left, you could tell by the grey splodge (rocket) at the end going missing. This doesn't happen in GES =(

I can't think of any more right now, I'm still enamoured with this.
The community right now reminds me of the old A1.1 days... =)
Been here since Alpha 1.1... Those were the days.

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