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GoldenEye: Source Beta 4 | Release 19 feb | NEW SERVER HOTFIX! (22nd)

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--- Quote from: Enzo.Matrix on February 20, 2010, 12:39:18 am ---Personal Mission: After we are out of BETA get GE:S reviewed by Yahtzee

--- End quote ---

I don't think I have seen him like give a favorable review to any first person shooter.

~installin' dis~ glad to see y'all postin the premium builds

By the way, is the 004 achievement an easter egg? Because I Just HAD To turn on my N64 and search around for 004.

I found out that on the SILO mission briefing, Q says to 007 to "remember to treat the timed explosives with respect, you remember what happened to 004 in Beirut".

And on the achievement, you have to kill yourself 25 times with timed explosives.

rolling explonsions r kinda messed up for me u can barely see it and its not even red or orange its just gas ish

post your specs, everyone else says its the idk whats going on for you :P


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