Global Communications > Latest News & Announcements

GoldenEye: Source Beta 4 | Release 19 feb | NEW SERVER HOTFIX! (22nd)

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Beta 4, the long awaited latest build, is upon us all! Be sure to read all of this update but then hurry so you can be among the first in one of our dozens of servers pre-installed with GoldenEye: Source Beta 4 epic-ness!

EXE| CLIENT recommended [888MB] Install EXE | Mirror#1
Clan LTK Install EXE | Mirror#2
Ryan Lobbins EXE | Mirror#3

Filefront EXE | Mirror#4 Torrent | Mirror#5

ZIP | SERVER [893MB] Server ZIP | Mirror#1
Clan LTK Server ZIP | Mirror#2
Ryan Lobbins ZIP | Mirror#3

SERVER | hotfix 4.02 NEW (servers only) [11MB] Server HOTFIX Server HOTFIX

Clients should download the top category!

Servers need to download the LARGE server zip, and then patch the HOTFIX right after. This is a hot fix designed for SERVER HOSTS ONLY. This fixes a bug where players drop weapons on round restart. This was causing oddities to occur, and is completely taken care of by serverhosts downloading the normal ZIP then using the HOTFIX over the directory after you install.

We encourage all serverhosts to install this hotfix for the smooth playability of the entire playerbase!

Enjoy the mod guys, see you in-game!

Team GoldenEye: Source.

Yes! I've been endlessly clicking refresh on the announcements page for the last two hours.

Nice, but it's a 3h download. Me sad. :(

Downloading now. someone should get a torrent up

No need for torrents, I'm doing a major mirror mojo with moddb and these download links and I'm getting 150kbps.


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