Congrats man! Not only do you get to work with computers, you get paid too. 
While his salary is very awesome for the kind of job that he has, reimaging Windows installs and testing/swapping pc parts isn't as awesome as you might think it is...
"Computer is not listening to me! If I click on the blue E the Windows program tells me I can't have internet because of error x21234213... I don't understand... my computer is only 2 months old and it is already broken. And Vista also doesn't send my emails anymore I think..."
*Stay calm... count to ten... stay professional... okey*
"Ehm mam, your computer is fine but your internet connection is down"
-"But I did nothing. I plug it in and it used to work and I pay AOL every month so that is not the problem."
*resist... resist... do not smash your head onto the keyboard"
"Well mam, we just connected it to the internet here and it works"
-"Oh so it's repaired?"
"No we uh.... hooked it up to the internet here and everything is fine because there is nothing wrong with your computer..."
-"But what should I do? My daughter needs to go to the blackboard website for school and she has to send out email"
"Contect your ISP"
-"The I S what?"
"You internet service provider"
-"What is that?"
"AOL is an internet service provider"
-"What should I aks them then? And I do not think I have their phone number because Google also doesn't work anymore"
"FUCK OFF AN DIE IN A FIRE!!!" <- which is what you should not say in order to not get fired on the spot. Good luck,
Oh and:
"My computer doesn't work."
-"What doesn't work"
"I don't know what doesn't work. You are the people that supposed to be good at it?"
-"Well uhm..."
"Well than I will go to someplace else to other shop that can help me!"
Good luck with that job!