To our loyal fans,
February 19th at 5pm U.S EST
UTC/GMT February 19th at 10pm
Your wait is up! This will be the release of the long awaited beta 4!
Small apologies for the delay on this news post. We had planned to insert the podcast 17 interview from last week, but as many may know, William, their host accidentally messed up, and deleted the show files. During this week we organized a conference of lead developers and key beta 4 developers, to give you something to make up for this! It is a devloper Q&A and a great source of insight to easily understand the ways in which we have built upon the quality of beta 3, with the additions of beta 4. is an encouraged listen for anyone who loves GoldenEye: Source. It details a 10 month gap in release, the promise of what is to come, and the work we each put in. It sums up so many of the reasons why 5 years of development is so worth all the sleepless nights of toil, and every memory treasured along the way. Its about the present, the future and the past. Why we consistently band together for this common goal, and drive others to attaining the height of their skills, for the end result all goldeneye fans will appreciate.

To go with this release, we have had our Wiki master, JcFerggy, overhaul the entire theme, and create new and easy pages to understand all aspects of being setup for GoldenEye: Source. He is dedicated to creating nostalgic elements for the wiki that remind us all of the original game, while also giving the pages more depth and interesting information than previously.
The bulk of the wiki will be slowly updated over the coming month or so, but the main pages and the custom theme is done and active right now! Be sure to check out the developer Q&A to hear JcFerggy go over what he has done in greater detail.
Beta 4 Changelist | To get excited about, at our new look wiki. See the many things added and tweaked, that have been covered in more detail during our developer Q&A embedded above! Enjoy.
Goldenzen brings you two of his many beta 4 tracks, set to give you many different flavors of goldeneye music. Heavily inspired by Eric Serra [goldeneye's movie composer], these pieces give a more orchestral and subtle driving feel. The style has been much slaved over, to be suited to our MP levels.
Standard Operating Procedure, is a track done only recently, and is a revision of one of 3 generic "Multiplayer" tracks from goldeneye64. He has taken a somewhat bland composition, and breathed more life and dimension into it. Not only recreating the basic layout, but also increasing the composition to include an original section for the second half.
Aztec, is being shown to get you excited about the map Aztec, which is being released in our beta 4! This track is mix of the goldenzen orchestral bread and butter, and some synthesized elements to create a nice blend. Quite dark and moody, which is always a nice remove from the other styles we get from our other music artists.
Surely, we are being treated to have 3 artists who will one day give the gift of a catalogue of music numbering into the hundreds! Enjoy this music.

two days before release, we will be supplying the Server Files for distribution to serverhosts around the globe. Whether Windows or Linux, you will be able to host our mod using the OrangeBox configuration of Source Dedicated Server! If any user wants to email a server company, we would appreciate that also and encourage all who can spread the word. With thousands of client downloads every release, GoldenEye: Source is a mod that requires hundreds of servers to handle the launch rush!
We will be working with the main supporters of GoldenEye: Source, but we also encourage all serverhosts and users to work together with this two day window, and get involved with supplying our large playerbase and any new players with even more servers than ever before, for a great GoldenEye: Source experience!, who since Beta 3 has carried Goldeneye Source in their server package, is continuing to expand their support with a pledge of no fewer than fifteen official GES servers across many locations during the launch period of Beta 4. Their rent option is exciting for dedicated players/communities, giving the ability to rent GoldenEye: Source mod servers themselves for fair prices per slot!
We encourage ALL serverhosts willing to supply us with multiple free servers, to
send us an email to show your interest and commitment, and for every company that supports the mod like JestServers has, will also get linkbacks and promotion via the news posts from the team. Both the players, and Team GoldenEye: Source appreciate these shows of support! Q&A download [right click to save]
Team GoldenEye: Source.