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Author Topic: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.  (Read 8524 times)

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Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« on: February 11, 2010, 08:55:57 pm »

First off I'd like to say hello to the community.  Some of y'all have seen me in game recently getting my arse whooped most of the time, but nevertheless still a huge fan and gamer.  My experience alone in the FPS world dates back to original Doom and Wolfinstein and then into MOHAA for many years after.  I under stand everything you guys go through to make this exceptionally well as I have had tons of experience with MOH Radiant, an old map and level design developer for MOHAA.  First thing I have to say is F@#king AWESOME job guys!

I remember back when I was about 13 years old, and the original N64 Goldeneye came out and two of my buddies got it that christmas, we all piled at my friends house and literally ALL of x-mas vacation we did nothing but LTK matches for days on end.  The brutality and bonding was classic.  There was no better feeling than watching the entire screen shake because your buddies tripped on a proximity mine and blew up the entire world with the chain of mines you set.  Regardless, yall have done an outstanding job bringing back what FPS action was really about, and I am particularly phsyc'd about the introduction in Beta 4 of my favorite map, the Water Caverns. 

Though, I applaud yall heavily, as a former developer in the MOHAA community, constructive criticism must come, in order to make this mod a success, there's has to be negative as well as positive feedback.  Though, in most things I normally can go through with a fine toothed comb and find loads of things that need or could be tweaked, tere's not too much here I can honestly say.

1. Though the aiming, minus our favorite gun, the Klobb, is almost exactly on point with aiming, is there a reason as to why it doesn't seem like there's damage modifiers on body parts?  Now, could be me, I don't know, it just seems odd that I physically have seen myself shoot someone three times in the head at point blank and they're still alive.  Now trust me, I know Normal mode wasn't easy at all on the original, which is why we barely played it, but perhaps yall who are more familiar with scripting can break it down for me.

2. The Zoom on the sniper rifle seems excessively much and makes aiming impossible at times, is there anyway to possibly cut back on the zoom a bit?  As much as I like the look of the models in the game, I really don't need to be zoomed in so far I can see someones nose in detail a mile away.

3.  Certain guns in the original, The golden gun, Moonraker laser, automatic shotgun..ect, had piercing capabilities, I.E. shoot through doors, are yall planning on implementing that?

4. Certain maps you can actually fall off them and suicide yourself, I.E. Complex to be more specific, are those gonna get patched up to where you can't go over the edge?  Yes, I know, seems retarded enough, but, it's not easy to miss falling off if your A: drunk or B: coming around those corners to quick or your mouse slides slightly.

That's about all I got for yall at this point.  Honestly, without a doubt, yall pull this off , and I can guarentee yall will have re birthed the best FPS of all time.

Edit: Forgot one thing, was curious if the map of the Bunker had been thought about or started yet, I'd really like to see that one as well being a secondary favorite next to the Archives which I'm hoping for an original make of.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 09:08:31 pm by {EFC}Cobra »


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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 09:36:15 pm »

Welcome to the community.  :)

I think I can go ahead and ninja everyone else at answering all of your questions... (sorry enzo, I have a feeling you're typing whilst I'm posting this :p)

1: Yes damage is dependent on where you are shooting someone, headshots do the most damage. But damage also depends on what weapon you're using. The PP7 for instance takes 3 headshots to kill someone with no armor. The damage values are based accurately on the original.

2: The zoom on the Sniper used to be variable but it proved to be more awkward, so now it's fixed zooming for now, you'll get used to it... and it wouldn't be much of a sniper rifle if it didn't zoom that much.

3: Bullet penetration on doors/glass/enemies/objects is coming in Beta 4.

4: On Goldeneye: Source's renditions of maps you can fall down and jump off the edges of areas you couldn't in the original. In classic maps such as Library_Classic or Complex_Classic you can't fall off because they adhere to how they played and looked in the original.

5: Bunker is currently in development.
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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 09:41:58 pm »

Hi, I'll help you out quickly before VC or KM attack you, and also because we have not put out the Beta 4 Change log yet.

1.  There is a system in place, you my not notice it correctly on the current build due to a Valve bug (net code/prediction) which has been fixed in Beta 4.

2. The zoom is up to spec, on most maps it isn't really great because they are very tight/small.  The accuracy without scoping is really high to help compensate for some of this.

3. Beta 4 Feature

4. There are two different map type in a situation of Complex, the ones labled VC are Verified Classic and have player clips inplace to stop you.  Our creations are more inline to what you should be expecting. (a fall to your death)

5. Bunker has been in the works from day 1, Nickster the original creator even had a version he made..  we have not found any to be acceptable versions yet, but im sure it won't be too long ;)

Edit: Yes I was...  slowly cause im at work.
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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 10:09:01 pm »

1: Yes damage is dependent on where you are shooting someone, headshots do the most damage. But damage also depends on what weapon you're using. The PP7 for instance takes 3 headshots to kill someone with no armor. The damage values are based accurately on the original.

Oh Mangley, I'm pretty sure you're wrong with that damage assessment. :-\  It takes 2 headshots to kill someone with no armor, 4 total if they have full armor as well.  I also remember reading somewhere that it doesn't matter what weapon is used (exceptions being AuG, silver and Au PP7).

Welcome Cobra, you might remember playing with me earlier this morning. 


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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 10:18:19 pm »

If you wish to seek the truth, travel down the wretched trail.  Pass the pit of deceased threads and dance the numa numa to summon the VC.
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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2010, 10:28:19 pm »

Ok, that explains it then.  So basically yeah, normal is as much a pain now as it was then. Well, will complain cause that sucks for me cause I know there's people in this game just like others that, erm, well, let's just say they got some "experience" compared to me coming back to it after many years.  Well, better pull out the LTK again for awhile or suck up to having horrid scores for the next few months.


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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 10:34:20 pm »

If you wish to seek the truth, travel down the wretched trail.  Pass the pit of deceased threads and dance the numa numa to summon the VC.

You did not just tell him how to unleash that...

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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 11:20:10 pm »

Man enzo do I have a bad rep??

No need to be mean to him because I can tell he is not an idiot.


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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2010, 11:23:50 pm »

Nope, he clearly isn't.  Just new so doesn't know about known issues and upcoming goodies :D

You have been a bit snappy the last couple weeks....  its actually a good sign ;)
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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2010, 11:44:22 pm »

1. I physically have seen myself shoot someone three times in the head at point blank and they're still alive.

How quicky were you firing?  Goldeneye, 007 and GES, throttles damage.  In short, it's just like in Mario or Mega Man where you flicker when hit.  If you walk up to a freshly spawned player, fire a PP7-S in his ear, wait a second, then fire again, he dies.  If you just taptaptaptaptap it, he won't die until you exhaust most of your magazine.  This timing is the same no matter the hitbox (though remaining HP is a factor) so limb shots will do 1/4th of headshot damage, and let the target ride a lot of invulnerability time.  Beta 4: Invuln is overridden iff a player takes a larger amount of damage from a different source, but only so the greater amount is the new total.  This ensures that teammates with weak weapons won't prevent a stronger teammate from doing more damage, and prevents low damage events from protecting against explosions.

2. The Zoom on the sniper rifle seems excessively much and makes aiming impossible at times, is there anyway to possibly cut back on the zoom a bit?

Not yet.  We're loathe to add Yet Another Two-way Directional Control just for the sniper rifle, and we tested it from lower values.  It needs to be max to really stand out above KF7 and AR33.  You don't need to wait, you can fire at partial zoom.


Piercing is supported in Beta 4.

4. Certain maps you can actually fall off them and suicide yourself

Revised/Neo maps allow falling.  The classics do not.
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Re: Rebirth of the greatest FPS game in the industry.
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2010, 04:27:07 pm »

In reply to Viashino, yeah, I shoot rather quickly so that explains alot.  Hence why I played LTK like it was a religion cause it was all on the quick of the draw and how true your aim was.  That explains my dumping whole clips into someones chest or head and them not dying. 

I also have to say I'm extremely glad to hear about the Beta 4 improvements of certain guns being able to shoot through doors because the whole reason I liked Water Caverns was because of it's mass amount of blast doors that I would normally close on my buddies and with weapon sets like pistols, nothing was getting through but there was no great fear of trying to run away from someone and getting shot through the door.
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