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Author Topic: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements  (Read 41587 times)

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Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:32:01 pm »

Hello everyone,

I downloaded 3.1 and tested it for a while,  I noticed a few things you should make your top priority or people will not play the game.

Aiming with any weapons without using the AIM mode (shift) is 100% horrible. I was NOT be able to kill anyone without using the aim mode. Once I figured that out I was only shooting with that aim mode and quickly became the best player on the server.
The AIM mode makes it all a bit more tactical, but it's still a great disappointment that I cant hit anything at all without it.

So, please, the box model and weapon aiming should be your top priority. Almost all weapons have the same feeling, you might want to work on that as well. Not one of them is accurate enough to hit without AIM mode!

Consider this some constructive criticism. I really like your MOD and what you have already achieved is amazing, but personally I'm not gonna bother if you don't fix this. It's unplayable for me. Maybe my ping was a reason, but still I can play CSS with a ping of 130 and can aim better than in GE:S.


Also .. the AIM mode should NOT be shift. The AIM mode should be right-click by default.
Some weapons like the rifles and sniper weapons zoom in way too much making them almost useless. I was able to camp in one spot and be a sniper for a while (just for testing of course) but it didnt feel right, it's zooming in kinda too much and you cant really aim with it.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 01:34:24 pm by oliversk »


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 01:46:02 pm »

All I have to say is LOL


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 02:55:12 pm »

Trivia: Before I came along, weapons were MUCH less accurate.

CSS has trained you to aim only by concentrating on your little + thingie.  Play for a while and you won't need it.

Also, if you treat GES like CSS, you will not succeed.  Old crummy game techniques won't work in Goldeneye because GES combat is geared around accuracy AND patience.
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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2010, 03:40:06 pm »

Hello everyone,

I downloaded 3.1 and tested it for a while,  I noticed a few things you should make your top priority or people will not play the game.

Aiming with any weapons without using the AIM mode (shift) is 100% horrible. I was NOT be able to kill anyone without using the aim mode. Once I figured that out I was only shooting with that aim mode and quickly became the best player on the server.
The AIM mode makes it all a bit more tactical, but it's still a great disappointment that I cant hit anything at all without it.

So, please, the box model and weapon aiming should be your top priority. Almost all weapons have the same feeling, you might want to work on that as well. Not one of them is accurate enough to hit without AIM mode!

Consider this some constructive criticism. I really like your MOD and what you have already achieved is amazing, but personally I'm not gonna bother if you don't fix this. It's unplayable for me. Maybe my ping was a reason, but still I can play CSS with a ping of 130 and can aim better than in GE:S.


Also .. the AIM mode should NOT be shift. The AIM mode should be right-click by default.
Some weapons like the rifles and sniper weapons zoom in way too much making them almost useless. I was able to camp in one spot and be a sniper for a while (just for testing of course) but it didnt feel right, it's zooming in kinda too much and you cant really aim with it.

So first of all let me say... hello and welcome to the forums. Feel free to speak you mind and post you opinion - as I'm about to do.
The first weeks when Beta 3 was released already did prove you wrong - a lot of people played and a lot of people stillt do it today regardless of that Valve breaking all servers for 2 weeks thing.

Furthermore it's perfectly possible to shoot people without aim mode - you might want to get yourself some more experience playing licencse to kill mode.
Occasionally you'll notice, that the hitboxes are even more accurate than in most other source based games (even the ones by Valve itself), because they are customized to fit the model. (and not like someone shooting a bullet like 10 meters off your head and you're dying by a headshot)
The "lacking" of a crosshair under normal cicumstances is a consequence of 2 things:
1.) you don't have a crosshair in real live, when you're not aiming do you?
2.) this mod is based on the N64 game, which also hadn't a crosshair unless you aimed (obviously for reason 1)

The right mouse is reserved for secondary weapon functions (e.g. exploding remote mines in mid-air) and shift also gives you (as you are used to cs:s as you state) the slight hint that you won't be able to run, since you're concentrating and aiming.

I think different zoom levels are under construction and will perhaps even already be included in Beta 4 (I'm not part of the Dev team, so I'm not that well informed).

As for the weapons being "all the same" in behaviour, I'd recommend you to go ahead and spray some bullet patterns into a wall of your choice.
You'll thereby see differences in the distribution and frequency of the bullets.
(e.g. you can't tell me it doesn't matter whether you fire a Klobb or a PP7 or a RCP90)
Next step: get a friend and try different hitzones with different weapons on each other - you'll come to notice that there is also a difference in damage output of the weapons - which (together with the bullet distribution and  bullet frequency) proves that each weapon is at least in some part unique.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 03:58:53 pm by coolDisguise »


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 04:12:50 pm »

The aiming mode doesn't increase weapon accuracy, the aiming mode is to aid your accuracy - and it's a tradeoff since you can only move very slowly when using it.

Experienced players of GE:S can hit where they want to shoot without it because it's second-nature to them, they know quite approximately where bullets are going to go, and subconsciously correct their aim by using bullet tracers that their shots have. That isn't to say they play exclusively without it, they still use aim a lot too. Really it boils down to the weapon you're using and the situation you're in.

If you have the Cougar Magnum and your enemy is far away, aiming is necessary because you need that extra level of precision and it's pretty useless to approximate where your bullets are going to go at that range.

Similarly so, if you are in a close range pistol battle with someone, where both of you have a DD44, the person who is taking that little bit more time to aim for the head is the person who is going to come out on top.

But if it's an RCP90 you have and your enemy is at medium/close range then you don't need to aim, you just approximately aim for the head and based on your constant stream of bullet tracers adjust your aim.

My advice to you is don't be so cock-sure of yourself. GE:S gameplay has so far stood the test of time. Many people who first start playing aren't even aware that you can aim, when they find out they quickly start improving but they still pale to the very experienced players who can headshot without aiming or thinking about it, it's instinctive.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 04:45:30 pm by Mangley »
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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2010, 04:29:37 pm »

"The aiming mode doesn't increase weapon accuracy"

Aiming DOES increase weapon accuracy in Goldeneye Source.  Please do not spread misinformation.

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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2010, 04:39:26 pm »


.... sooo like I said: aim, don't complain.  :angel:
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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2010, 05:21:56 pm »

Also .. the AIM mode should NOT be shift. The AIM mode should be right-click by default.

Haha, I felt the exact same way...And then I remembered that you can change keybindings through the options window in-game / on main screen.  ;)


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2010, 05:29:18 pm »

I feel compelled to chime in and criticize  every one of your misguided points since you might no be able to comprehend what others say.

I was NOT be able to kill anyone without using the aim mode. Once I figured that out I was only shooting with that aim mode and quickly became the best player on the server.

This nullifies your entire argument from the outset. You found, and agree with, the purpose of aim mode. And then you go and try to say that you should be able to do the same WITHOUT aim mode. Baseless and certainly NOT constructive.

Not one of them is accurate enough to hit without AIM mode!

You clearly didn't use all the weapons then. PP7, Golden Gun, and a few others have near perfect accuracy without aim mode.

but personally I'm not gonna bother if you don't fix this. It's unplayable for me.

Threatening to not play is definitly not going to get us to fix stuff, especially since this is a personal problem and not a mod problem.

Also .. the AIM mode should NOT be shift. The AIM mode should be right-click by default.

You can change your keyboard configuration in the options menu.... I know CSS holds your hand by setting the "optimal keyboard for killing terrorists" but seriously, gimme a break.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:26:12 pm by killermonkey »

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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2010, 05:52:28 pm »

You can change your keyboard configuration in the options menu.... I know CSS holds your hand by setting the "optimal keyboard for killing terrorists" but seriously, gimme a break.

Press F10 to autobuy AK47/Deagle...

If you make secondary fire aim, then you can't switch to the remote mine watch detonator properly or spam them midair nade-launcher style (though that technique has been semi-nullified with the escapable rolling explosions).

Plus, if you hold down shift to aim, it slows down your movement, and its just like walking in CSS! zomg!
[GE:S] killermonkey: GOOD TO KNOW


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2010, 07:40:15 pm »

Welcome to the forums.

Basically I agree with the rest of the devs. This post wasnt constructive, but im not going to attack you, since you did make the effort to sign up which idiots dont do usually. They will just rq the game and go back to CSS, instead.

Here are some helpful tips ;

1. Google goldeneye and read up on the history of it, even just to understand what it is we are making
2. When you get in game, go to keyboard options and check every one, and change them to ones that suit you better than your first play.
3. Make a local game and in console window type "sv_cheats 1", then "impulse 101" , then cycle all the guns, and shoot them at a wall, to guage the difference in non-aim spread
4. enter a server, and focus on using the guns you felt comfortable with in your little run around shooting walls.
5. Aim for the head, in bursts with rifles and smg weapons ; IMPORTANT : Dont Spam!!
6. Play for a couple hours
7. Get up the next day, play for a couple hours
8. Keep playing you will soon realize its fun, and you have improved too.

CSS wasnt mastered in a day, and goldeneye source is a far more geared game as far as damage values and hit management. Learn it and you won't need to complain here :)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 07:46:07 pm by Wake[of]theBunT »


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2010, 04:51:06 am »

If you played the original Goldeneye, it would be a smaller problem. Otherwise: A combination of practice ingame and comparing games with reality (toy guns work fine :P ).


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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2010, 04:59:04 am »

hahaha... yeah right...

well... is aimlesness was so bad than explain to why I can get headshot only killstreak with an zmg and AR33? It is because waepon behavoir is different.

stop whining about the fact that you are a newbie. ges ìs an epic.

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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2010, 04:43:19 am »

Each game takes a different skill learn to play before you decide there is a problem.

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Re: Weapon Accuracy / AIM Mode Improvements
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2010, 04:13:31 pm »

Each game takes a different skill learn to play before you decide there is a problem.
Sadly most games today are all alike :-X
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