I don't understand how you came to the conclusion I was "Complaining". I was just asking a question because I didn't understand. Isn't that the point of this forum?
"Some people..." right?
I've played other games and ran servers off of them and you had to own the actual game for it to work. So I didn't think this game would be any different therefore I put in HL2DM instead of orange box. As for the DOS 101 you're right I don't know much about it but I know I put in the correct directory. "C:\Foldername" is not that hard. Plus I wouldn't ask you how to do it anyways since you're under the impression I pimp slapped your mother.
Anyways I redid it with orangebox and during step 3 I got this after the install.

I've looked this up and people say it doesn't matter. So after I did that I followed the steps to the end and got this as I opened the bat file.

Not really sure what this means. Any clues?
Oh and I did try the sv_lan 0 option with the changelevel reset command. My friend was able to see it on the list but was unable to connect to it and when we tried again it stopped showing up at all. I had him try it doing the same things but I couldn't see it either.