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GES Update 01/19/10 [January Report] Teaser Video!
Facility Backzone has always been my favorite by far in the original, and this is no different! Amazing job by the whole team as always.
I really love the attention to detail in Backzone, it looks so close to how it looks in the film! Not just the bottling tanks, but all the lights and pipes, even small details you barely notice like the writing above the conveyorbelt exit.
It never stops impressing me.
Bread Mustache:
--- Quote from: Wake[of]theBunT on January 21, 2010, 05:06:38 am ---
Stick around, the best few hundred fans and devs still call GoldenEye: Source home. The forums might look different and we might make more professional moves these days, but we do it for the fanbase. <3
So stay tuned and involved, you wouldnt regret it.
--- End quote ---
I plan on it. I played the beta 3 today for the first time and even that is a huge jump from the b1 days. Can't wait for beta 4.
The Cy:
after watching this awesome trailer a hundred times, I have noticed that the laser beam of the moonraker seems slightly to come out of nowhere when firing..but it´s all going very fast, so I can possibly be wrong
No, it is a problem. In short, if we emit the beam from the weapon like it should be, you can stick it through a wall that is too thick for the beam to penetrate, causing tracers to punch through that aren't actually valid beams. We backed it up behind the player so it would only penetrate when it should, but that also makes it look glitchy.
We'll probably get it figured out but if we don't we'll probably just leave it alone and fix it in 4.1 or 5.
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