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GES Update 01/19/10 [January Report] Teaser Video!
--- Quote from: killermonkey on January 20, 2010, 08:28:14 pm ---Definitely within 30 days
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That is delicious! =]
I am spreading the word as we speak =]
Ok you know what ? Screw Black Mesa, THIS is my mod of 2010.
Thanks for this awesome update! Can't wait for beta 4.
Bread Mustache:
Wow, it's been a couple years since I've been here. I used to hang out in the pre-Alpha/beta1 days and I remember you guys releasing Alpha 1 on Christmas eve and staying up all night playing with seemed like the entire forum along with some of the devs.
I randomly decided to check back today and I got this kickass video.
It's amazing to see how far this thing has come over the past couple years. Keep it up.
Sweet cant wait
--- Quote from: Bread Mustache on January 21, 2010, 02:03:24 am ---Wow, it's been a couple years since I've been here. I used to hang out in the pre-Alpha/beta1 days and I remember you guys releasing Alpha 1 on Christmas eve and staying up all night playing with seemed like the entire forum along with some of the devs.
I randomly decided to check back today and I got this kickass video.
It's amazing to see how far this thing has come over the past couple years. Keep it up.
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Stick around, the best few hundred fans and devs still call GoldenEye: Source home. The forums might look different and we might make more professional moves these days, but we do it for the fanbase. <3
So stay tuned and involved, you wouldnt regret it.
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