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GES Update 01/19/10 [January Report] Teaser Video!

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Hey all,

What does beta 4 have that you most want? Watch this teaser video to find out! With Rolling explosions, 006, Caverns. Facility_backzone, Silo, Rocket Launcher. Grenade Launcher, Moonraker Laser, Basement. Updates to many maps and models. More polish. More code progress and game-modes. More nostalgia, and custom player animations for goldeneye tradition. Beta 4 is going to change the game.
Video by The SSL, Music by Goldenzen.For best possible quality, view in HD on ;
Help show support for the mod for the last day of voting!

Mapped by Fourtecks, Facility_Backzone has a lifespan dating back to before alpha 1 in our mod. Originally by the now retired GE:S mapper, Jeo, the level has certainly come a long way since then. Fourtecks took on this task because of his dedication and vision to create a seamless transition to his counterpart map, Facility. The texture work and lighting in this map are able to draw you in and feel as though you are bond or 006 with this movie inspired recreation.

For a map much loved in the GE:S community, it was certainly unintended to have it miss out in beta 3. But, once you see this refined masterpiece you will be excited for it in ways not possible in the alpha or beta 001 era. One aesthetic improvement of note was the remaking of the bottling tanks (where bond places mines in the movie). The scale of the model is now fixed, so where you got caught up running inside them in the older versions, simply won't occur now. This level is well worth the wait, indeed!

Facility Backzone [click image for large size!]

If you are interested in more about this map, from the horses mouth, Mike (Fourtecks) has a blog on the forum which he is giving many insights into the level. Check it out HERE

Last report we mentioned a character going into game, an update to runway, and   concept art we have been seeing internally from our recruited 2D artists. Here are those and some more for your visual enjoyment!

Female Scientist Render [click image for large size!]

She is going in-game as we speak and belongs to the Mi6 Team. Model and texture by Spider.

Runway addition [click image for large size!]

This sniper tower is to replace the old building attached to the side of the map. The new structure is nostalgic to the original game and also looks great, while giving the elevation to see and snipe enemies all the way across the runway.

Concept Art [click image for large size!]

With Hypergear, and the recent addition of Mcharris to the team, the project now has two dedicated concept artists to help with the unknown design elements such as train shown above, by Hypergear. Mcharris is also working on All Bonds concept work to assist our character artists, and keep an eye out this week you may see them on the forum!

Rolling Explosives on Backzone [click image for large size!]

This is just fun, who doesn't want to see rolling explosions on the revamped, and beta 4 ready facility_backzone?!

Next update will be focusing on code elements from Killermonkey and Viashino, specifically shining some light on upcoming game-modes. Plus some other super secret things for now. We hope you enjoyed our teaser trailer, be sure to watch it on all the websites it features to show your support. Spread the word we have a teaser video of our beta 4 and we hope you appreciate the other media in this update. Thanks as always for your support!

Team GoldenEye: Source

Epic job wake and SSL. Awesome work. Keep it up brotha!

SSL came through indeed! Big thanks to Goldenzen as well! Supreme trailer music. Also i'd like to thank my keyboard for delaying this post a day. Sorry not professional to blame it on that but dems the breaks :)

As well, thanks to jcferggy the wiki guru and my helping hand on PR weeks. He comes through to help me out with many little and important things for news posts :)

Damn fine work gentleman. Damn fine.
You know we'll be hounded about the lack of a release date.


--- Quote from: Gabbo on January 20, 2010, 08:36:18 am ---Damn fine work gentleman. Damn fine.
You know we'll be hounded about the lack of a release date.

--- End quote ---

This, basically. I really need to update my RC... One month even makes looking at the screen weird...


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