Global Communications > Mike's Blog

ge_facility_backzone : Simple Overview

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Mike [fourtecks]:
With facility_backzone nearing completion, I hope to continue to roll out some shots over the next couple of weeks. To start this off, I am posting a simple mock-up of the layout of the map so you can guess an idea of the layout changes that were made to the original n64 level.

(You may need to right-click view image if it is squished at your screen resolution)

To get some bearings, the octagon on the very left is the red armor room that connects to ge_facility. Unfortunatly this overview does not contain catwalks and objects, so areas look quite open without any cover than what it actually is. Also, some vertically overlapping areas have been removed to avoid some confusion.

Instead of writing a ton of stuff to explain the changes made, I will just let you look at it so you hopefully see how well the level flows now compared to the old map from previous releases of the mod.

Very interesting.. I'm very curious about how the additional areas like the break room will look. The layout looks great, it's nice to see you've done away with the linearity of certain areas, particularly around the labs.

Great stuff.

Rodney 1.666:

--- Quote from: Mike [fourtecks ---

Instead of writing a ton of stuff to explain the changes made, I will just let you look at it so you hopefully see how well the level flows now compared to the old map from previous releases of the mod.

--- End quote ---

It also let's the imagination run. ;)

Jonathan [Spider]:
i have to say i was hesitant when tecks proposed some of the changes he had for BZ when he first did them, but they feel completely natural for the way he designed them and their layout. things still feel like facility its really great, and they make playing the level a lot more fun.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:

--- Quote from: Jonathan [Spider] on January 11, 2010, 06:03:44 am ---i have to say i was hesitant when tecks proposed some of the changes he had for BZ when he first did them, but they feel completely natural for the way he designed them and their layout. things still feel like facility its really great, and they make playing the level a lot more fun.

--- End quote ---

+1 4tex did an amazing job with the map.


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