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GES Update 01/08/10 [January Report] Top 100!
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
--- Quote from: X-tra on January 09, 2010, 02:48:58 pm ---"plus a new addition to Sharpshootah's runway"
Let me guess... :p
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The tank? :D :D :D :D :D
Ruone Delacroix:
Looking great, guys. I cannot wait to play with "laser beams" on the "silo".
This is just keep getting better and better :o
I think this mod is going to heavily surpass GE64 in greatness!
But what is that blur in one of those silo screenshots? A gassleak? Wow...
But if you guys keep making this mod better and better, isn't it going to take too long? Or are all the other maps just not Ready (TM) for a media release? :-X If not, aren't you guys a little short of manpower?
But ofcourse the gameplay comes first... I'd rather have an awesome game and a little less models/maps than a lot of model and maps and another generic FPS. It seems as if you guys do have you priorities straight ;)
But who am I to critisize your awesome work? This is pure gold!
The laser, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, rolling explosions and silo are going to make beta4 probably the most awesome MP game in, like, years and years 8)
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
--- Quote from: V!NCENT on January 10, 2010, 11:24:33 am ---But if you guys keep making this mod better and better, isn't it going to take too long? Or are all the other maps just not Ready (TM) for a media release? If not, aren't you guys a little short of manpower?
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We dont want to ruin all the surprise do we.
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