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GES Update 01/08/10 [January Report] Top 100!
Thanks goes out to everyone who helped us storm into the top 100! Now its time to go one step further and cast your top 100 vote for us on!
Help us best our friendly competition, and once again win a MOTY award! However, instead of just ask for your vote without showing how much we appreciate your support, we want to give you a new years treat! A year of successful releases and media love is a fantastic step to proving our place at the top, but we are eager to cement our new year goals. With more promise of media, a release in the works, and the continued growth of solid development that makes Goldeneye: Source a big prospect for the new decade, not just a staple of the last, in the HL2 modding scene.
Show your support for Goldeneye: Source in the top 100!
*note: once clicked, navigate to 'best released mods' and then under the 'half-life 2' category you will find the vote button
This model and texture has been crafted from one of our three key Project Manager's, and lead character artist, Spider. As you can see by these following mass of in-game screens (showcasing the character in beta 4 maps), Jonathan has made not only a brilliant and engaging look to the "better" side of Alec Trevelyan, but also continued his design strategy for a satisfying likeness to the actor without being a blatant infringement on his/her person. Rigged by Killermonkey, this Mi6 character begins our BETA 4 trend of pulling back the balance from the Janus' firm grip.
We promised the in-game goods, and we deliver.. For England, James?
== Trevelyan == Click for larger image
Mapped by our talented and long time modder, InvertedShadow, this map as you may know is already on the release list. Since its beta 3 installment, some have noted from both developers and the playing community, that the map would gravitate to certain areas and bottlenecks with not a deal of cover. Beta 4 Archives will change all that and give the map a general facelift and streamline at the same time.
Inverted, the master perfectionist, got to work immediately with a passion to design a series of minor and smart layout changes, such as removing the ability to snipe the attic. This has the bonus of increased performance. Also, all of the areas now receive good traffic and purpose, wether to get guns and ammo, or just to marvel at the lighting and detail improvements. Check it out!
Click for larger image
Mapped by Sporkfire, this level has been steadily layed out since before beta 3 came to be. In the original game, Silo was incredibly linear, making this one of the tougher maps to integrate into a MP experience. A lot of layout changes were made, and tested. By October Spork nailed down something from our developer feedback that has come through with flying and ever so vibrant colors, to what is at heart a bleak locale. Now he has received a deal of 2D love from our texture artists, and his map has come alive.
We are so confident the nostalgist, and the revisionist in all of you will be satisfied at this creation. Here is a showing of the well known areas, and the new areas that focus to break up the linear structure. And who could say no to amazing looking rockets?
Click for larger image
Several of the weapons are undergoing some texture reworking. Ones to note are the Laser, DD44, and Grenade Launcher. This week we have some hot improvements already. Josh [SLX], has been hard at work giving these weapons the whole range of upkeep, introducing phong and spec maps that allow the details and reflective properties to pop in each map's diverse lighting range.
== DD44 retexture == Click for larger image
== Laser == Click for larger image
Next update will be screens of a revamped Facility_Backzone, a write up on some code elements and game-modes, plus a new addition to Sharpshootah's runway. Also, finally we are fixing up some small issues with some effects that should allow us to make some great footage during this month. We are really pushing our goal of some teaser video soon, so stay tuned!
Dont forget to vote for us in the top 100 list!! To do this go to the top 100 voting page and find us under the released category in HL2 mods. and click the vote button. Any issues ask us in a reply! We will try help.
Team GoldenEye: Source
The Cy:
yeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaa !! :D
EMH Mark I:
Awesome, just awesome.
Woah.. it all looks so incredible. I'm so pleased to see Silo is going to make the release ;D and damn that DD44 looks so freaking sexy.
Now I'm really wondering what the 4th new map is going to be. :P
Josh [SLX]:
--- Quote from: Mangley on January 08, 2010, 10:45:08 pm --- damn that DD44 looks so freaking sexy.
--- End quote ---
That would be me lol.
but theres still some debate about how to get it perfect.
If Wake would be so kind as to add a world model picture of the DD44, i would be uber pleased, because right now nobody can see the grip detail, which contains most of the nice things about the weapon overhaul.
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