The Good:
- Many classic levels such as Facility, Temple, Caverns duplicated to a T and graphically updated. Guns, ammo, and armor in familiar positions. Veteran GE players like myself found the best stuff in the old places.
- Classic weapons return, for better or worse...
- Controls are very tight and customizable.
- Servers are low bandwidth.
- New, well produced music
-Goldeneye "feel" gameplay & presentation: simple, frantic, fun.
The Bad:
- Graphics don't optimize Source Engine capabilities. Levels like Caverns use it very well.
- Collision detection problems. You tend to get stuck on stuff.
- Glitchy on server connections. A few crashes.
- Weapons maintain their classic inbalances. RCP-90 still dominates every game, needs tweaking (like lower mag capacity or less power). Klobb still poor weapon (needs less fire spread). Uses CS:S knife as default melee for some reason (bring back slappers!).
- Golden Gun mode unbalanced: wearer can still pick up armor. Too difficult to kill GG user on certain maps (like Complex). Needs health penalty to user (like x2 damage). GG games also should forbid radar as default (GG user can spawn kill defenseless player easily). Normally first player to get GG dominates game.
- No way to tell how much health/armor player has.
- Damage spread on models is wonky. Headshots are not always kills.
- "Aiming" device, similar to N64 mode, unnecessary with mouse control. No crosshair.
- DM bots for new players would be a welcome addition.
I think many of the snags I hit are simply beta problems, like collision detection and connection problems. I'm more concerned about weapon balance, especially in GG mode. The GG user needs to have a penalty that makes using the weapon a risky choice: more kills, but trades off a benefit, like speed or health. I would also recommend GG mode also be radar-free (example: you pick up the GG, you lose your radar).
Overall, I am completely psyched for this mod. If the developers are looking for playtesters, I'd be more than willing to help out. Excellent job, guys.