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Ge_facility_classic (Ank1)

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[GE:S Com] DF Ank1:
Mhm I also have my version of facility_classic, but i donĀ“t looks very good.
I have to notice that it is not finished. I have to clean the texture, use correct textures, adding lights and shadows and props. and so on......

Oh gawd, the texture alignment. It looks alright, but it needs some work.

[GE:S Com] DF Ank1:
Just fast done

Backzone Entrace

Big Pipe Room

You should slow down a little, you're using a lot of unnecessary brushes, also you should only texture the surfaces that will be seen by the player. Surfaces that the player doesn't see should have the nodraw texture.

Also, you've pretty much hijacked Dechristian's thread..

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
Im sorry, but I love those fucking tacos!


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