Editing and Customization > General Discussion

Does anyone have my ge_warehouse map?

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A few of you Devs were given an extremely early copy of my map, ge_warehouse.  I think you were SharpShootah and Kraid, and maybe some other people.  I got a new computer, so I don't have any of my old stuff anymore.  If anyone still has the .vmf (or even just the .bsp) I would be grateful if you sent that back my way.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
I think you sent me an OLD OLD OLD version of the map by now... Must have been 4 months back at least. You havent saved your work elseware?

Get a pendrive, they've saved my ass a billion times with losing digital work.

I wish I could help.

Does anyone have a recent compile of it?  Because you can decompile..  it wont be perfect and you will have to fix a bunch of stuff..


--- Quote from: Enzo.Matrix on December 22, 2009, 08:42:25 pm ---Does anyone have a recent compile of it?  Because you can decompile..  it wont be perfect and you will have to fix a bunch of stuff..
--- End quote ---
Doesn't matter to me, I forgot a lot of my mapping techniques, and would just use it for reference, and the official maps do a better job of that anyway.


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