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Author Topic: Egyptian Classic  (Read 13349 times)

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Egyptian Classic
« on: December 19, 2009, 09:56:59 am »

Hes a vid of my rendition of the classic egypt. Built to scale(any error < 1 unit)


Vid compression seemed to brighten it up alot. It is darker in game.

One question. The orig goldeneye64 uses 8 configurable weapon slots(0-7) and GE:source uses 7(1-7). What number weapon slot is not used. I know for most configs(if not all) there are duplicate enteries. Which is missing? Or are they even set up the way the orig game did?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 10:12:26 am by TimEh »


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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2009, 10:12:02 am »

It's hard to tell if it's up to scale, course you're flying through there with noclip the whole time.
For me it looks to small. Did you convert 1 GE worldunit to 1 hammer unit, this won't work.
As i remember correctly VC wrote something about the exact messure converting Ge > Hammer somewhere here on the forums. Maybe in his Blog threads.
Also i don't like the blurry originaltextures. Rather do like we did with our classic maps and update the textures to todays Standarts while keeping the mood of the original ones.


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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2009, 10:13:14 am »

Looks really small... but guess cant say till see it for my self.

Also Beta4 will have 8 slots(0-7).
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 10:29:43 am by major »
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2009, 10:34:07 am »

Actually, in game it seems a little big, or that you walk slower in the source version, or a little bit of both. I tried to emulate the irregularly placed vertex lights of the original but some are damn near impossible. No, one unit is not one GE unit, if it were the map would be massive. Id like to see VC's converting process, since every GE level has a different scalar. I know much of the internals of the game. Have writen code for the GE64 setup editor, and XSI plugins to convert native GE maps back and forth. I know map is exact as far as the geometry is in relation to itself. The scale is hard to tell, since different run speeds and different perspective views between the two renderers. And as far as the blurry textures go, well thats classic for ya. You already got the eyecandy version


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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2009, 03:23:01 pm »

Can you or someone upload it to Youtube?


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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2009, 05:08:01 pm »

A general rule of thumb I use for scale between Goldeneye and Source is anything that comes to exactly the players eye-line in Goldeneye (example: the white tiles on the wall in Facility) should be 64 units high in Source which is the players eye-line. Then you can pretty much scale everything according to that.

I'm not sure if that's totally the right way... Viashino is the man with the knowledge.

Put it on youtube, most people can't be bothered to download a file to watch a video that they know they're going to delete within minutes.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 05:15:01 pm by Mangley »
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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2009, 06:11:23 pm »

dude, badass map. I like it. The only crit I noticed was that the goldengun room doors should be a little wider, they seemed a little narrow. Love the doors though and the sounds to go with it. Also, the lighting in the hidden tunnel going to the last baron spot is a little blinding. I think you went a little crazy on the HDR :) As long as it doesn't look like VCs HDR, I am happy. :)

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D


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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2009, 07:26:13 pm »

I never did HDR.  Someday I'll figure it out.
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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2009, 09:17:16 pm »

I played the map just now... there's not really much I can say about it really... Aesthetically it's almost identical to the original, but that's because it's the original textures and sounds.

The proportions are accurate but the scale is too big overall. (see: difference between proportion and scale)

It would be nice to see the Golden Gun pedestal/case and the drone gun concealing walls in the Golden Gun room, without them it's really empty.

On the plus side, it is a very nostalgic map and you did a good job making the reflective floor and the silver pillar look correct.

Also I'm not sure you should be using ge_egyptian_classic as the map name, people may be under the impression that it's an official map when it isn't. Also if there were to be an official egyptian classic map in the future it would conflict with that. Something like ge_egyptian_classic_timeh or ge_egyptian_timeh would be appropriate.
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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2009, 01:52:34 am »

I'm glad some of you got a chance to test it today. I apologize for the long download times and the straight up vanilla dedicated server. First time setting up a server and didn't look into modifying settings or getting plugins.
the scale is too big overall
ya I'm still messing around with the size, lights, and texture alignment(keep in mind this map is only 3 days old)
I played the map just now... there's not really much I can say about it really... Aesthetically it's almost identical to the original, but that's because it's the original textures and sounds.
Not sure if you say this as a bad thing or good thing. But seeing as it comes before 'on the plus side',  its not looked on as a positive. Which by your definition of the classic levels on the wiki i figured something like this is what you guys might be looking for. "Classic maps try to bring the old maps from GoldenEye 007 to the players with untouched layouts and classic textures"
It would be nice to see the Golden Gun pedestal/case and the drone gun concealing walls in the Golden Gun room, without them it's really empty.
ya i thought of that. But i wanted the map remain true to the original mp version, even if that means keeping some poor decisions by the original developers(well they were removed for performance, and the door into the room for flow). Sure spawns/weapons could be placed more thoughtfully, better flow could be designed, but many people(me included) are attracted to the mod so they can relive that original experience.
Also I'm not sure you should be using ge_egyptian_classic as the map name, people may be under the impression that it's an official map when it isn't.
I was thinking you might want to use this as the official version when its complete. Or at least some sort of base to start with. Save your devs some time recreating it from scratch. Seeing as the wiki says 'There is currently no information about this map, or its production.' i figured this wouldn't conflict with what your working on.

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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2009, 02:23:39 am »

Not sure if you say this as a bad thing or good thing. But seeing as it comes before 'on the plus side',  its not looked on as a positive. Which by your definition of the classic levels on the wiki i figured something like this is what you guys might be looking for. "Classic maps try to bring the old maps from GoldenEye 007 to the players with untouched layouts and classic textures"

I got a chance to play your level as well today together with Mangley.  The problem is that the textures you exported from the original game are copyrighted material, as is the door sound effect you have.  My understanding is that GES classic maps (only complex) use layouts and textures that are modeled to look like their N64 counterparts, but were essentially made from scratch.  If the GE:S Wiki really does say somewhere (doubtful) that the classic maps have "untouched layouts and classic textures", then it should be reworded.

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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2009, 02:37:23 am »

You can try using some of the super-duper highres textures from the Egyptian remake, most of them are direct recreations. Take a look at library_classic, it has the same layout, but high-resolution textures and fancy lighting effects (lower the lightmap scale on all faces to 2 since there is so little to render) while still maintaining the GE64 feeling.

Something neat to add would be a logic_timer entity that randomly adjusts an env_fog_controller entity to randomly turn on and turn off dense black fog, just like in the second half of the SP level in GE64. It would add some unique gameplay.

IMO this map looks completely spot-on to the original.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 02:39:19 am by The SSL »
[GE:S] killermonkey: GOOD TO KNOW


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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2009, 03:04:53 am »

problem is that the textures you exported from the original game are copyrighted material
I see what your saying. I must have done a good job on the tile floor since that was created from scratch(complication while trying to extract from rom, wouldnt export correctly). But yes the rest are from the game. But the floor tile took me all of what, 5 min to create. Wouldnt be hard to create unique textures that resembled the originals. And only 8 of them. max 32x32.
If the GE:S Wiki really does say somewhere (doubtful)
most classic maps say this at this time
You can try using some of the super-duper highres textures from the Egyptian remake, most of them are direct recreations.
good idea, ill take a look at what there is to offer. I do like the look of the stretched small textures. takes me back to a time where video cards didnt have gbs of texture space.
lower the lightmap scale on all faces to 2 since there is so little to render
even better idea. only did that to a few faces, mainly the pillar thing where the last barron spawns. Wish i could scrap lightmaps altogether and bake rgb's per vertex. oh well
Something neat to add would be a logic_timer entity that randomly adjusts an env_fog_controller entity to randomly turn on and turn off dense black fog, just like in the second half of the SP level in GE64
Uber idea. But not sure how incorperate it into the current game. mabey the last minute of the round could do that. Ill look into if thats even possible, parsing custom server vars for round times and using them.

The the one thing i didnt hold true to the mp version is the black sky and fog. But that idea is pretty cool


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Re: Egyptian Classic
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2009, 01:20:45 pm »

Take a look at all these remakes from classic GE maps. Not a single one is using 32x32 textures.
The vital part of classic maps is to recreate the level geometry as plain and simple as the original.
If i want ugly textures i run this game with -dxlevel 70 and configure my graphics as low as possible.
Beside that, if you keep it that way, the map won't fit to the rest of the Game.
We got lots of fancy weapon & playermodels, in a map like this they would look out of place.
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