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Questions regarding Kinky's Major Project at Uni

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I believe last time you also wanted to show different props. I said that was only achievable if you broke the server's heavy handed enforcement of an entity's model. I have since learned a lot about this stuff and can offer assistance. You could then, quite easily, change the entities model client side (dependent on team) or not show it at all since the server won't enforce it's settings.

Awesome. You are indeed correct that i wanted to alter props based on team. Is this still using basically the same method you told me last time? Tying the entity to a team and then running an ef_nodraw or have you learnt all new methods?

Theres a fair few entities i need this kind of thing for and will be looking into the possiblities of. Most notably different types of lighting entities, colour correction and both static and physics props.

Also i need to know what entity ties can still be applied to keep this working as well as how parenting will effect things. But im guessing a lot of this is going to be fairly unbroken ground (at least for most people). Of course all assistance from everyone is GREATLY appreciated. =)

IMO an important question is: should the user be able to select/switch teams or not.
If not, you could bypass the server side entity problem by creating two builds of the same game, using the same prop names but different models.

For prop_physic and prop_dynamic it's no problem at all, for prop_static i'm not absolutly sure about the collision model. If you change these props after compiling, they might use the same CM as the prop you compiled the map with. Not sure about this, i simply never tried that.

For map textures, you can change them, too.

Original compile:

applied a grey basetexture + flat bump:

tried UnlitGeneric to disable shadowmaps:

since at this point the map is barely visible (only thing which keeps us from greyout are envmaps)
changed textures for better visibility:

disabled spec map:

reenabled Shadowmaps using LightmappedGeneric:

Everything done without recompiling or changing anything beside the texture.

It might be a good idea to either use a envmap texture instead of env_cubemap reflection or disable them completly for the abstract version.

We kind of need team switch working as we need auto balance to keep the game from getting ridiculous (as its biased towards the stylised side to try to ween in new player audiences) so two game versions isnt really an option.

Having a look at your visual examples..

--- Quote ---disabled spec map:

--- End quote ---

THIS, is what we need for the stylised team. Is this going to be possible via the material proxy method Lodle mentioned? From looking through the documentation for it, it would appear so. Although those are just about the most confuisng VMTs ive ever seen :P

If we can get that affect through material proxys and KMs system for hiding/replacing entities by tieing them to a team thing working that is absolutely perfect. It only really needs to work on color_correction_volume, env_cubemaps, prop_physics, prop_statics (hopefully this will work, i dont need different collision models as its only a need to alter the textures on props to match the brushwork) and as many types of lighting and lightmap entity as physically possible.

Cheerz for all the help guys. I will be calling on your expertise over the coming weeks. Hopefully that wont be too much hassle for y'all :P

You can't change static props after compile, they are literally baked into the map.


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