IMO an important question is: should the user be able to select/switch teams or not.
If not, you could bypass the server side entity problem by creating two builds of the same game, using the same prop names but different models.
For prop_physic and prop_dynamic it's no problem at all, for prop_static i'm not absolutly sure about the collision model. If you change these props after compiling, they might use the same CM as the prop you compiled the map with. Not sure about this, i simply never tried that.
For map textures, you can change them, too.
Original compile:
applied a grey basetexture + flat bump:
tried UnlitGeneric to disable shadowmaps:
since at this point the map is barely visible (only thing which keeps us from greyout are envmaps)
changed textures for better visibility:
disabled spec map:
reenabled Shadowmaps using LightmappedGeneric:
Everything done without recompiling or changing anything beside the texture.
It might be a good idea to either use a envmap texture instead of env_cubemap reflection or disable them completly for the abstract version.