Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[BUG] Vertical Steel Bars on First Floor of Complex


I'm not really sure this is a bug.  Maybe it's by design.  In regards to the room on the first floor that is near the body armor, that contains about 14 vertical steel bars that are a pain to navigate through.  In the N64 version, you could quickly get through this room by walking along the walls at a 45 degree angle.  In GES, it seems that it is impossible to navigate quickly through this room without hitting at least 2 of the bars.  This impacts play if you are being chased, or are creeping on someone.  Maybe this is by design.  In the Complex_orginal map that some servers offer, this problem does not apply.  Just thought I would mention it.

Yeah is very annoying, but is fixed in Beta4.

This makes me happy.  :D


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