If you didn't like Accounting, why did you pursue it for so long?
When you are in college man, it is really hard to figure out what you "like" for a major. It took me a long time to even find something...(didn't decide till the beginning of my Junior year that I wanted to do Nursing) I switched from physical therapy, to psychology, and then to nursing. Figuring out what to do with your life is a really hard thing to decide. On top of that, when he started accounting, he probably thought it was going to get better as he learned the ropes and that it was an "initial" dislike....something that would go away as he got more comfortable. Some people hate the initial couple semesters or so and then LOVE the later material. It is just a really hard thing to figure out....I feel you pain dude. You will figure it out

Don't fret though man, it isn't a race to finish school. Granted, money might build up, but it is A LOT more important that you
DON'T HATE WHAT YOU DO!!!! Finding something you like is really the most important thing since you don't want to be at a job for the rest of your life that annoys you to death and you can't stand the people/position. Take an easy man, you'll figure it out
Also, KM does bring up a good point. Possibly consider that

Have you talked to your adviser about this? Or maybe a career services personnel if your school has one? They can be of GREAT help when figuring out a alternate plan so far in your life.