Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

BUG ? | Proximity Mines are Cleared on Death


Proximity mines dont despawn when you die so by the end of the map timer theres proximity mines everywhere blowing up in peoples faces.

Can this be fixed so they despawn, or is there are weaponset which is random(excluding explosives)?

I have set up the first (To my knowledge) Oceanic GES Server

Any help will be appreciated, esp. if its me with a cvar  ::)

i love the fact that they dont die when you die really makes proxys more interesting it was like that in the original GE so its not a bug and i hope is never removed.

i love the constant paranoia when proxys are around, just have to remember to be careful and to use a throwable object knives/other mines/grenades to set off hidden ones.

mines will be less instantly lethal and a bit more balanced once rolling explosions in the next version appear.


--- Quote from: steven_m64 on November 09, 2009, 08:06:21 pm ---mines will be less instantly lethal and a bit more balanced once rolling explosions in the next version appear.

--- End quote ---

True that. No more gigantic blast radius for the noobs.

rolling explosions really nip you in the butt though. They are not to be taken lightly! And the 3 seconds of damage waves will kill you if you stick around even in the fringes :-D


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