I love GE:S, as we all do... but I personally feel that a few of the weapons don't sound correct (granted that the mod is still Beta and many aspects are likely to change) so I thought I'd catagorically go through the weapons and how faithful their sounds are to the originals whilst recognising that they have to sound appropriately realistic. (It's just my opinion, but I'm sure many will agree particularly about the KF7, Autoshotgun, Phantom and a few others)
Using these descriptions as a basis:
Sounds nothing like the original (bad)
Sounds a little like the original (needs improvement)
Sounds quite like the original (satisfactory)
Sounds very like the original (good)
Sounds perfectly like the original (perfect)
- Unarmed - Sounds quite like the original
- Hunting Knife - Sounds quite like the original
- Throwing Knife - Sounds quite like the original
- PP7 - Sounds perfectly like the original
- Silenced PP7 - Sounds perfectly like the original
- DD44 Dostovei - Sounds quite like the original
- Klobb - Sounds perfectly like the original
- KF7 Soviet - Sounds nothing like the original
- ZMG (9mm) - Sounds a little like the original*
- D5K Deutsche -Sounds very like the original
- Silenced D5K - Sounds very like the original
- Phantom - Sounds a little like the original
- AR33 Assault Rifle - Sounds a little like the original
- RC-P90 - Sounds a little like the original
- Shotgun - Sounds very like the original
- Automatic Shotgun - Sounds nothing like the original
- Sniper Rifle - Sounds perfectly like the original
- Cougar Magnum - Sounds a little like the original
- Golden Gun - Sounds perfectly like the original
- Silver PP7 - Sounds perfectly like the original
- Gold PP7 - Sounds perfectly like the original
- Moonraker Laser - Not released
- Watch Laser - Not released
- Grenade Launcher - Not released
- Rocket Launcher - Not released
- Hand Grenade - Sounds quite like the original (explosion sounds not done)
- Timed Mine - Sounds very like the original (explosion sounds not done)
- Proximity Mine - Sounds very like the original (explosion sounds not done)
- Remote Mine - Sounds very like the original (explosion sounds not done)
- Detonator - Sounds perfectly like the original
- Taser - Not released
- Tank - In your dreams
* The ZMG, whilst not sounding much like the original does arguably sound appropriate. I think that the original sound wouldn't suit it that well in comparison.
With mines, we're talking about the throwing and sticking sounds since the explosions aren't done in 3.1
If I'd have to outline some priority weapons that need changing, they'd be the KF7, RCP90, AR33, Autoshotgun and Phantom.
Specifically I'd say the RCP90 and AR33 don't sound like they're 'spitting' like they do in the original, the KF7 and Phantom don't have that 'rolling' or 'tumbling' feel to it that the originals had, and the Autoshotgun doesn't have that heavy 'punching' sound that the original had.
Oh and just for the record, my ears are very attuned and perceptive.

Well, that's just what I think, take it or leave it..