First of all, I LOVE the mod, so I even hesitate to offer suggestions. But I kind of feel it's my duty, or responsibility. So just a few thoughts.
1.) In the original, you could adjust the depth of the scope while zooming with the sniper rifle using C-up and C-down. Currently, there is only one level of zoom. Am I wrong? Would it be possible to alter the keys so that while zooming, W and S equate to the distance of the zoom?
2.) In the original, you could hide around the corner and then pop out momentarily, fire off a round or two, and then quickly return to your cover. Again, something like this would probably need to involve the altering of keys, but could be in the same programming code as #1 above -- (if user hits A or D while using the aim, his body is quickly moved 2 feet to the left or right).
3.) It seems that in the original, the majority of glass would break much easier, even with the weakest weapon. In this mod, it often takes 5-6 shots to break glass, even with the Destoval which is one of the most powerful pistols.
SORRY! I'm not complaining.... just trying to help.