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Programming - Looking to be a part of something
We're both level designers, I'm sure some of the programmers will stop by in short order though.
I think if you have not been experienced in game programming, im not sure if they need another coder. There is 3 pretty good guys that do both general programming and experienced gaming wise.
Im still not sure if there is a website guy, i keep forgetting as the team has been through like 5 ::)
Mentioning web designers around me gives me fucking ulcers >:(
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
--- Quote from: Wake[of]theBunT on December 20, 2006, 09:53:05 am ---I think if you have not been experienced in game programming, im not sure if they need another coder. There is 3 pretty good guys that do both general programming and experienced gaming wise.
Im still not sure if there is a website guy, i keep forgetting as the team has been through like 5 ::)
--- End quote ---
Mario is on the bench for a while, no use not putting ryan up to trial. sounds like he's pretty well versed in everything
Sean [Baron]:
I'll wait to see what Scott has to say (our lead programmer), but as far as I can tell you seem to know what you are doing and know a little of everything in areas, which is a big plus for us. We really need a website so, if you don't get on board as a programmer you could probably help us with our website as well.
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