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Programming - Looking to be a part of something

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Hey guys. So am I still under review or has this thread just turned into like a general chat now lol? Had fun playing with you last night LTK, thanks for all the questions you answered for everyone :)


Sean [Baron]:
Just waiting on the final say from the Programmers, mainly Scott our lead programmer.

Jonathan [Spider]:
i told Scott about you, he will come in and review you. hes pretty slammed right now and is probably working on some sort of test for you to try out. just give him a bit of time we havnt forgotten about you.

in the mean time you might want to check out
i think thats the main coding site people use im not sure cause i don't do code though hahah.


--- Quote from: jusifdg on December 21, 2006, 05:34:41 pm ---Had fun playing with you last night LTK

--- End quote ---

Likewise, its always good fun giving out privelidged info at will ;) joking haha, i told them only stuff every devoted GE:S forum goer already does, plus im excited!

:) Yeah, I assume lots of people are lazy and do not read the forums, or are just finding out about the game and havn't read them. Thanks for the info, I am a little nervous for this test now! haha. Thanks guys, talk to you later.



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