We're a little busy with the release but will be getting back to you as time returns... Just to let you know, I put every applicant through hell week (kidding...). But I do come up with a unique 'test' per applicant. Not rocket science, but it gives me a chance to see what you can really do. All I can tell you is that it is generally source related and every test I put someone through is normally something they are already working on. Using pimpin' as an example, he was working on a plug-in called 'goldenadmin' and I had him do some stuff within that since he was familiar with it.
I don't really want to see labs... Labs tell me you can copy from a book and add the missing ';'.

Desired skill-sets:
- SVN is everything. Simply put you must know this well. (download and toy around with TortoiseSVN). This goes beyond just knowing how to use it, but knowing how to work with it in a team environment. In other words, don’t break us…
- Know Steam and the Source Engine... know how the engine works with mods, how things are loaded, etc…
- Have a good enough grasp on programming. 'good enough grasp' means that you will be able to navigate the bible and modify pieces of it. If you know the SDK, that might be enough to get on this team. We don't have time or desire to 'teach' the basics.
- Good debugging techniques. The better you are at finding your own bugs before they become real bugs, the better life is for all of us.
- Experience with other peoples code. This means a few things... For one, you’re jumping into a code base that isn't yours, and you're expected to work in it... Also, at times I might framework out a piece of code that works with other pieces of code or is a critical part to the mod, and you might be expected to pick it up from there and finish it.
- Text-messaging is outdated; programmers use VOIP. Make sure you have a mic and can communicate with us on a regular basis.
- Know when to ask and when to dig… Major issues come up all the time… What would you do?
a) ahh crap, something is broken or difficult… Ring Ring…
b) Spend more time, possibly solve it. At least have a good understanding of the code in question and get a better idea of what you need to be asking (if anything).
It depends. We are a team, and work together on a lot of things quite often. But it slows down the pack if you can’t pull your own weight as well. My point is, if you’re at a point where you’re self-sufficient, that is IDEAL! We want you to ask, but I would much rather break you into a habit of sharing with us than ‘stop asking us’… ?
- Know a utility language... Sometimes you might need/want to do something in a scripting language (Perl/Python/PHP/etc...), it is just good to have under your belt and find ways to use it. Anything from a Toss-Away script, to better searching/replacing (and more...), to something we might find useful every day...
- LUA Scripted game-plays will be in the upcoming release, so if you work with these and help us to improve them, it would be good.
I could go on, but I better get back to programming… You should hear from us in the next week.