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Programming - Looking to be a part of something
Hey guys what’s going on? My name is Ryan, I am 20 years old currently working at my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at WMU - very fun stuff. Love to code - still learning like all of us but I love it. We mainly worked with C#, but I see the elders still use C++ I respect that, not much different at all. To be quite honest I highly doubt, if privileged, that I am going to take your project and take off to new heights with it. I really am looking to help as much as I can, be a part of something special, learn as much as I can, and to help you guys out with anything in the future. I understand you guys are pretty prestigious with who you pick up. It shows, the game is looking very sexy so far ;-). I'll understand if you guys can’t afford to pick up a guy like me - whether it may slow you down, your roster is near full, the open slots are open for fellow bad asses, or whatever it may be. I'd die for an opportunity to learn, and give everything I can for such a neat project and group of people.
Alright so let’s get down to business.
Position applied for: Programming - anything you guys could use me for.
-I am just going to note that I sort of am a jack of all trades, I have dealt with a bit of everything, but my passion has become programming :).
2+ Years of college level programming in C# (Reading into differences in C++, and taking Java)
Flash Animations
Web development
Visual Basic
Programs Used:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2003, 2005 (Prefer 2003)
Microsoft Visual Basic 6
Microsoft FrontPage
Adobe (Macromedia) Flash
Notepad - Best creation ever haha
Sample Work:
I have the labs that we did for programming class if you guys honestly want to see those let me know. Other than that I am still looking to make my first project be worth while, even if its doing the smallest things for you guys, I would love to.
AIM\AOL: jusifdg
Alrighty guys, any questions get back at me, and thanks for the opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for the app. I'm not a programmer so I can't speak to your qualifications - I'm sure some of them will be by to do that. I'll say that we can always use more help in that area though, so good luck with it!
Thanks a lot man. What is your expertise here?
Also, I am very sure I could use a boost, and even as an assignment could I possibly be pointed in the direction of some reading such as an online article or a book to grab that would help me help you guys? I am looking to keep busy to be as much help as I possibly can be. Thanks guys.
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
just by saying you're a programmer you get my vote, hahaha
Haha is everyone that is applying everything but a programmer haha? I was thinking of applying for the website or maps, but I seen that one guy get turned down and he was probably much better than me. I like how you guys want "beautiful" recreations of maps. The website is usually handled by 1 or 2 guys, they aren't that hard to maintain, but I definately could give anyone a helping hand in that in addition to programming. Even if its just throwing some content up.
But yeah, definately I can never get enough programming in a day :). Thanks for the vote bro. (What do you do here (position) for this project?)
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