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GES Update 10/23/09 [October Report]
Oh yes!
Noodle says wow its been forever. Cool rolling explosions and good call on the animations. Idk about this background music player thingy. sounds unnecesary.
And I jizz in my pants...
Seriously, the wait was worth it. Keep at it.
--- Quote from: NoodlePudding on October 24, 2009, 06:23:22 pm ---Noodle says wow its been forever. Cool rolling explosions and good call on the animations. Idk about this background music player thingy. sounds unnecesary.
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Sounds perfectly necessary to me. Remember GE's Multiplayer clearly enough? Certain songs were randomly picked from a set, depending on the map. From what I see, this would replicate such behavior, and allow all of the epic remixes of music for GES to be in at the same time. :) For example, Cradle could have both post and pre-beta3 Cradle Music. (I like the pre-beta3 music personally, but both are awesome.)
Getting it done Wake. Hopefully this'll bring in some new blood/attention.
--- Quote from: PPK on October 24, 2009, 08:26:16 am ---Great report Wake. Nice too see we finally released some PR to show all those guys that we actually do something between releases... :)
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Shhh. You'll ruin our lazy image.
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