Editing and Customization > Community Releases
autoteam model fix
This is for server hosts only. In the current build, there is a bug resulting in Team Character selection not being forced if a teamplay gets enabled mid round. This sourcemod plugin is an attempt to fix this bug while waiting for beta 4. It is very useful if you are using ge_autoteam.
Each time gameplay is turned on, this plugin will set MI6 players model to bond and Janus players model to boris, even if people hit 'cancel' on the Team Character selection GUI. Feedback welcome.
Oh Noes... the problem with that is the player will still be technically whoever they were code side, only their model has changed. It's not the biggest deal, but there will be a sync problem in the scoreboard (i.e. person looks like boris but says valentin). It's better then looking like Valentin though. Just wanted to point that out.
Can sourcemod send client commands? If so have it send: "joinclass boris 0" or "joinclass bond 0" from the respective client that joined that team. This will actually set their character and model (how it is done and fixed in Beta 4). The zero is for setting the skin (i.e. for bond 0 = black, 1 = blue, 2 = tan, I think)
updated the plugin to reflect KM's suggestion. thanks for the tip :)
Using it on server, seems to work great, no more "evil bond".
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