First, sorry if this is in the wrong section. I'm pretty sure it is in the correct section, but maybe not.
LooneyTrails is a script that adds (server side) trail effects to projectile entities of many Source-engine based games. As of version 1.2, it now has support for GoldenEye Source. The supported entities for GES are npc_tknife, npc_grenade, and npc_mine. The trail effects are beam, dust, energy, smoke, and sparks. Server owners can choose different trails for each entity. They can choose to have no effect for a given entity or even "random" which will choose a random trail each time that entity is created.
Since GoldenEye Source is an OrangeBox game, it not only requires
ES 2.1, but cfglib as well. The easiest way to install cfglib is to download
ES 2.0 and extract
only the
..addons/eventscripts/_libs/python/ to the appropriate folder.
I hope that if you test this, you will like it. If you do, please feel free to log in to the Eventscripts Forum and +woot the script.