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Author Topic: Different Environment Art vs. Server Inconsistency in Source?  (Read 8102 times)

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Different Environment Art vs. Server Inconsistency in Source?
« on: October 15, 2009, 08:24:28 am »

So i need a little bit of wisdom from some source level designers here. For my final major project at uni im looking at an idea where in a team based situation two different teams are seeing different artwork on one map. Its somewhat of an experiment to see what affect artwork has on the ability of players to play the game successfully.

What im wondering is if the source engine will permit me to have two team running the same map against each other on the same map but each seeing different artwork. And if so to what extend this is possible? At a plain guess i would imagine different textures would be possible, but probably not simple, where as different geometry appears mostly impossible (but maybe im wrong).

So yea if anyone knows anything about this it would be great to hear what you have to say.

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Re: Different Environment Art vs. Server Inconsistency in Source?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 11:19:44 am »

If it's just for a study project, different textures would be possible, also different models should be doable (not sure about the static ones). Simply produce two versions of the mod, one for each team.
The vital thing is, the CRC of the map has to be the same unless you find a way to bypass this in code.
(if you can do this it will allow you to do allmost everything)
Same for the server side entities like spawns for players, weapons, ammo etc.

On the other hand i sense a huge potential for bugs & desync.
Just imagine you would put a wall into one version while the other one has nothing.


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Re: Different Environment Art vs. Server Inconsistency in Source?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 12:51:58 pm »

You can't bypass the map crc check. That is done in the engine. You can, however, assign teams to any entity and do a once through filter in the gamerules when the map starts to put EF_NODRAW on all entities that are not on your team. This will effectively hide those entities from the opposing team. You can't change BSP geometry for diff players due to the way BSP works, but make critical parts physics models and hide them and you'll be all set.


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Re: Different Environment Art vs. Server Inconsistency in Source?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 04:02:54 pm »

So KM in the way you state the collision models, brushes and statics will be unaffectable where as all phys_objects can be hidden? (just checking i got that right) ...either way sounds like this could work so on i steam in search of something that works :D

Cheerz yall

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Re: Different Environment Art vs. Server Inconsistency in Source?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2009, 04:48:15 pm »

You could just copy paist the geometry for each team, so the artwork will be different but the layout is the same.

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