so here is my review of the map while i played offline
the map itself has seems to be smaller in size (but given that this is only part 1 of the scaramanga island it seems fair), i loved what you did with the image trickery in the tunnel/funhouse entrance
the guilotine trap is a stroke of genuis so i love that
the cementary area outside of the theatre should perhaps be taken out and put on the island seems to be a bit misplace...i pefered the alley instead sorry
while i do miss the hoverboard i do enjoy the new tower (it needs a bell on the top as an adding touch
so thats a nice addition.
the shooting gallery however is flawed there is only a picture of 007 and there is a timelimit..(so when i went to turn it on and go outside to shoot them it finished) it just seems like a good idea but maybe if it was something like this:
also i was thinking why not use the image of the Roger Moore Bond that i sent you in the email for the wanted sign or for 1 of the targets because i know that
the new bond looks ok but i pefer the version 2 sign
i love what you did with the walk of faith (and the deathtrap) but the bottom is well bland compared to the last map with the vortex (or even the birds eye view of a city which you had on the WIP screenshots) also the area around it looks well a bit too bright compared to version 2