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Hello friends, long time player, first time poster.

As I've never used any sort of map editor before (save for starcraft :p), I decided to test out my skills on hammer with a remake of Doom 2's DWANGO5_M01, plus a basement I added myself. If you've ever played Doom/doom2 deathmatch, it's likely you've played this stage. I tried to keep it fairly classic upstairs and just go wild underneath.

This map is still alpha (bad textures, no lights yet, not many props yet), but I do need some help testing it and will hopefully get some feedback to improve my mapping skills, especially on weapon/respawn placement.


Dude that's fucking epic. Great job so far

First thing you want to do (based on those screens) is learn how to do displacements. You'll kill yourself trying to make the ground look OK with brushes like that.



--- Quote from: mookie on October 08, 2009, 03:57:03 pm ---First thing you want to do (based on those screens) is learn how to do displacements. You'll kill yourself trying to make the ground look OK with brushes like that.


--- End quote ---

You know, I kept thinking to myself that there must be a better way to do this. Thanks.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
This is the first time you ever used a 3D based map editor!? Wow, good job man, you definitely have potential if this is seriously the first time you ever used one. I mapped for starcraft lol, triggering SUCKED in that!


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