Editing and Customization > General Discussion
A quick question for Audix...
The Beatles pwn j00!:
I recently got Audiosurf, and on the scores for your "Rocking the Cradle" track there are many people who seem to have a version that is different from the one on the Beta 3 soundtrack.
The shape is wildly different and the duration is 9:13 instead of 4:46.
Is there indeed a different version, or is this a bunch of bullshit?
Look here: http://www.audio-surf.com/song.php?t=popular#4747839
I SHOULD be in first place on the Elite scoreboard.... but some 9:13 guy is on top.
It's just strange because so many people on there seem to have that 9:13 version. I was just wondering if you knew what was up with that.
They need a better system for determining which song is which.
Sole Signal [Audix]:
They probably pulled the "Rocking the Cradle" track that is included in the game install, since it's the same song looped once, making it twice as long (give or take about ten seconds).
The Beatles pwn j00!:
Ah, I see. You are correct. I should have realized that possibility. Again, I hope they are working on a better way for distinguishing such things in the scoreboard system. It all seems to rely on the artist/title/etc data associated with it. Couldn't they find a way to organize it by the tracks general shape (which in itself would include the general length)?
I guess it's not THAT big a deal. Still, a 4:46 song made (almost) twice as long is definitely not the same song, as far as audio-surf gameplay goes. I can understand there being a difference of several seconds between instances of the same song, but not minutes. And of course it can tell when the tracks is obviously different, can't it? Why don't they...
I don't know... I don't know the structure of the program (not that I would be able to understand it even if I did...), but I can't help but think that there is a better system for this.
Meh. Anyway, I can still appreciate this game.
Best 5 dollars I've spent in awhile.
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
--- Quote from: JessEH [The Beatles pwn j00!] on October 06, 2009, 01:29:30 am ---Best 5 dollars I've spent in awhile.
--- End quote ---
You obviousally have not been to Subway :p
Five, Five dollar, Five dollar foot looooong
--- Quote from: Jeron [SharpSh00tah] on October 06, 2009, 03:00:59 am ---You obviousally have not been to Subway :p
Five, Five dollar, Five dollar foot looooong
--- End quote ---
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