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Server Score Frags at 0

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no, as a matter of fact i dont even know if there is a deathmatch in the server.cfg there is a deathmatch.cfg but theres only 1 line and its dm_fraglimit 30

EDIT: where would u set that scenario? and if its in console whats the commend for it?

ge_gameplay $scenarioname (e.g., ge_gameplay yolt) is the cvar that deterimes which scenario is active.

deathmatch.cfg is the script that controls the cvar settings when the deathmatch scenario activates and is availiable so you can specify things like paintball, round times, etc.  deathmatch.lua is the script that handles the scenario rules and behaviors.  It is encoded in public releases and is not to be altered.  However, if you are missing the file or did not specify the name correctly, obviously it will not function.

the names are set correctly and everything ...and deathmatch is set to 1 and everything ...can u join me in the server and il show u what i mean

edit: i tried ge_gameplay mwgg and the frag score updates as normal but not with deathmatch

i tried ge_gameplay mwgg and the frag score updates as normal but not with deathmatch

Download this file and put it in your gesource/scripts/gameplay/ folder


This is the deathmatch LUA file. Then do: ge_gameplay deathmatch

If it still doesn't work, I am not sure what to tell you, but this has never been a problem before.


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