Jimbo is good. Period. Along with many GE:S players out there.
People have good/bad days. I was in a game other day with WNx Jimbo, and he was extremely good, with a 8 or so person server, never saw him die... was a little odd... but no evidence = no conviction.
Yeah, I have my moments. Not many, but I do have them.

Well Maxaxle, I know how easy it can be to assume that if someone has a ridiculous K/D ratio, that they must be hacking...I used to think the same way about players like VC, Nalle, etc when I first started playing the mod. But as my skills developed, I realized they were just better than me, and still are. So just keep practicing. Like others have already said...if you see something suspicious, gather evidence to forward to a server admin according to Kraid's guidelines. I don't think there's any GES server admin that would condone cheating, and they would certainly welcome vigilance from regular players like us.