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Author Topic: Ramadan begins....  (Read 11856 times)

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Ramadan begins....
« on: August 22, 2009, 09:09:55 pm »

So Ramadan begins today and Im here starving like crazy. We start eating at sunset which is 7:38pm today.  You guys are probably eating something as I type and that makes me even more hungry. Not only we cant eat, but we cant drink any fluids and take any medicines as well.

I should get up before sunrise and eat something which i didnt do today lol.

Rodney 1.666

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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2009, 09:34:07 pm »

I am not familiar with this Ramadan of which you speak.

Hrm, well good luck with that.
If it makes you feel better, I've had a couple work days of not eating from 8:00 until 5:00 due to stupid-busy conditions.
That's the longest I've gone, anyway. ::)
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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 10:21:14 pm »

try not eating 4am until 7pm  thats what we are going through lol. its tough but full of rewards.

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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2009, 05:40:43 am »

Muhammad greatly misunderstood the truth of the Trinity. It is not three gods, but God in three. Islam claims that the way to salvation is obeying the Five Pillars and through good deeds, yet Christ clearly explained that salvation cannot be obtained through men and their deeds. Salvation is a free gift to those who place their faith in the Son. The only way for Islam to be the true religion is if the Gospels were corrupted by men, which Islam does indeed claim. Yet all scholarly evidence shows that nothing of doctrinal significance was changed before, during, or after Muhammad's time. And do you really think God would let His everlasting Word be corrupted on such a grand scale?

There are hundreds of prophecies in the Hebrew Scripture that tell of the coming Messiah. Jesus fulfilled every one of these. There is no prophesy telling of Muhammad. The couple that Muslims cling onto are misunderstood, and are speaking of Christ or the Holy Spirit. God clearly told us how we would be rescued from our fall, and Jesus matches this plan point for point. If His Words are truly understood, the idea of a prophet coming after Christ makes no sense. Islam is at odds with God's Word. It is built from corruption. The only prophecy that could relate to Muhammad is Matthew 24:11, “and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people…”

The truth is in The Bible, and will be realized by those who seek it with all their being. But you may also find this enlightening:

Excuse me if you think that I am out of line in doing this here, but I had to try. If you are willing, we could respectfully discuss this.

Rodney 1.666

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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2009, 06:29:54 am »


Too bad it's off topic and doesn't belong here.
I've seen this before, and the "discussion" never ends. Discuss elsewhere.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 06:32:09 am by Rodney 1.666 »
Quote from: Friday, June 07, 2013
9:48 PM - Macc 1.666: So I post on GE:S after 6 months and Facility comes on Radio Nintendo
9:48 PM - Macc 1.666: think it's trying to tell me something
9:48 PM - Proxie: Tonight you will dream of Grant Kirkhope and VC

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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2009, 08:31:12 am »

I think it's plenty on topic. But I see what you mean. I'll make a different thread.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 01:05:59 pm by JessEH [The Beatles pwn j00!] »


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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2009, 08:47:40 pm »

Muhammad greatly misunderstood the truth of the Trinity. It is not three gods, but God in three. Islam claims that the way to salvation is obeying the Five Pillars and through good deeds, yet Christ clearly explained that salvation cannot be obtained through men and their deeds. Salvation is a free gift to those who place their faith in the Son. The only way for Islam to be the true religion is if the Gospels were corrupted by men, which Islam does indeed claim. Yet all scholarly evidence shows that nothing of doctrinal significance was changed before, during, or after Muhammad's time. And do you really think God would let His everlasting Word be corrupted on such a grand scale?

There are hundreds of prophecies in the Hebrew Scripture that tell of the coming Messiah. Jesus fulfilled every one of these. There is no prophesy telling of Muhammad. The couple that Muslims cling onto are misunderstood, and are speaking of Christ or the Holy Spirit. God clearly told us how we would be rescued from our fall, and Jesus matches this plan point for point. If His Words are truly understood, the idea of a prophet coming after Christ makes no sense. Islam is at odds with God's Word. It is built from corruption. The only prophecy that could relate to Muhammad is Matthew 24:11, “and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people…”

The truth is in The Bible, and will be realized by those who seek it with all their being. But you may also find this enlightening:

Excuse me if you think that I am out of line in doing this here, but I had to try. If you are willing, we could respectfully discuss this.

I take this totally in a different way.

1st. what I want to say is I was told that the bible's writing is always changing. Some person is add more stuff to the bible. Look at the Quran, it has the same information since the first Quran was revealed. Not a single letter has been altered in anyway.

2nd. "Islam is at odds with God's Word. It is built from corruption. "  bleh so freaking bullshit. Islam is NOT CORRUPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are tons of shit I can say but I wont because its the month of Ramadan and I dont want to be stack up my sins.

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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2009, 12:50:54 pm »

No need to get angry.

Perhaps we shouldn't discuss this. English is obviously not your native tongue, so it is very likely that we would misunderstand each other often.


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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 04:25:44 pm »

No need to get angry.

Perhaps we shouldn't discuss this. English is obviously not your native tongue, so it is very likely that we would misunderstand each other often.

Sorry if it looked as I was angry. I was just trying to tell you what I believe. Im also hungry and thirsty LOL!.

Knowing about other religions is very cool.


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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2009, 10:18:59 pm »

Actually, it's quite remarkable how similar Islam and Christianity are.  The variables between the two religions include:

Figurehead: Jesus / Muhammad

Osaeed, correct me if I'm wrong, but the distinction between the two is that Christians believe that Jesus/God are the same person, and Muslims believe that Muhammed was just a messenger for God's word?

As I understand it the Qu'ran was never translated into any other language because the Muslims did not want to lose any of the meaning associated with the changes.

Apart from that, as I understand it, the Qu'ran and the Bible share 34 of the 37 prophets?  I'm not sure on the number exactly, but I know that they're mid-thirties, and that they're very close.

Also, from what I understand, Islam is not corrupt at all - many of the Muslims that are often stereo-typed are the most dramatic, fundamentalist Muslims.  Islam cannot be faulted for those types of people - every religion has them.  Anyone ever heard of Opus Dei?

Talking about religion is cool, bashing people about religion is not.

Osaeed, have you ever taken that big long pilgrimmage?  I forget the name of it, but it's like three or four days long?  Just curious. :)

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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2009, 11:26:51 pm »

Talking about religion is cool, bashing people about religion is not.

Again, I hope you are not implying that I myself am "bashing" him. I may have come on a little strong, but I prefer to get to the heart of the matter, not sit back in the shadows and make idle chit chat that amounts to very little. I posed a series of statements and ideas from my perspective in the hopes that he would calmly try to explain his point of view.


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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2009, 12:57:57 am »

Actually, it's quite remarkable how similar Islam and Christianity are.  The variables between the two religions include:

Figurehead: Jesus / Muhammad

Osaeed, correct me if I'm wrong, but the distinction between the two is that Christians believe that Jesus/God are the same person, and Muslims believe that Muhammed was just a messenger for God's word?

As I understand it the Qu'ran was never translated into any other language because the Muslims did not want to lose any of the meaning associated with the changes.

Apart from that, as I understand it, the Qu'ran and the Bible share 34 of the 37 prophets?  I'm not sure on the number exactly, but I know that they're mid-thirties, and that they're very close.

Also, from what I understand, Islam is not corrupt at all - many of the Muslims that are often stereo-typed are the most dramatic, fundamentalist Muslims.  Islam cannot be faulted for those types of people - every religion has them.  Anyone ever heard of Opus Dei?

Talking about religion is cool, bashing people about religion is not.

Osaeed, have you ever taken that big long pilgrimmage?  I forget the name of it, but it's like three or four days long?  Just curious. :)

yea Christains believe that Jesus is son of god. If I am completely incorrect let me know and call me a fag lol. We muslims believe that Prophet Isa (Jesus) was also a Prophet back then, but NOT the son of a god.

"Do Muslims believe that Jesus was the son of God? NO

"Say: "God is Unique! God, the Source [of everything]. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him!" (Quran 112:1-4)."

Prophet Muhammad was the last Prophet and was the one who restored Islam back when it was corrupted many years ago.  He was also the Messenger of Allah (God) and yes your right.

Osaeed, have you ever taken that big long pilgrimmage?  I forget the name of it, but it's like three or four days long?  Just curious.

Yea its called Hajj dont worry about it if you forgot :)  I honestly havent been to Hajj yet. I went to Saudia Arabia and have seen the Kabaah with my own eyes and what can I saw WOW it was awesome. The building is tall and massive. When you go around the Kabaah you are actually standing on Water Line Tiles. before it was sand/dirt. Modern times they put Water Lines underneath the tiles that are freezing cold water, cuz its wicked hot/humid in Meccah city of Saudi Arabia and the tiles keep your feet cold. Its like walking on ice. I also was told by my father that ontop of the Kabaah is a water pump that pumps the water throughout the area and the pipes.

I wish to go again to do Hajj.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 01:55:16 am by osaeed2k9 »


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Re: Ramadan begins....
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2009, 01:00:58 am »

Again, I hope you are not implying that I myself am "bashing" him. I may have come on a little strong, but I prefer to get to the heart of the matter, not sit back in the shadows and make idle chit chat that amounts to very little. I posed a series of statements and ideas from my perspective in the hopes that he would calmly try to explain his point of view.

Seriously dont worry  about it dude. Talking about religion is like talking like politics. People get angry at each other.

if your angry then why not we fight in Golden Eye Source 1 vs 1    :P

btw we all humans have different perspectives and opinions. its 100% fine to submit your thoughts to other people even its bashing.  Allah (god) gave us a brain, a heart and we should express our feelings of what we have. We are all brothers and sisters. You guys are my brothers and your sisters are my sisters and the list goes on. Its not like I was born from a alien monther lol or maybeeeee.....   anyways lol we all came from someone not something.

See that really pisses me off is that why do we hate each other, why does man kill another man. We are a family the whole word I mean. We should respect one another and help others too. Islam is not corrupted, Christianity is not corrupted, Judaism is not corrupted, no religion is corrupted.  President Bush was corrupted, then the world became corrupted lol.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 01:07:40 am by osaeed2k9 »
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