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Hey guys, I REALLY need help with an error message (the game won't even start)

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Hey guys, I haven't played Goldeneye Source since 1.1, and today I decided to play it again so I updated it to 3.1. As soon as I launched the game, the valve logo loads, and then the goldeneye source menu attempts to load, and then it I get this...

(Here is the direct link to the image if the forum seems to be re-sizing the image and you can't see what the error message says:

And then the game crashes when I click ok. Back when I played the mod when it was 1.1, I for some reason would play it in a windowed mode instead of fullscreen. I have no idea why I did that, but I suspect that is why this error message is coming up for me, because every other game and mod I have on steam works fine, and they are not in windowed modes.

Can someone please tell me how to bring the game back to a fullscreened mode without using the options/settings screen (because I cant even get to them due to the game crashing before it starts)? That is IF that is what the problem is...

Any help would be appreciated.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
Definitely reinstall the 3.0.1 full 

Rodney 1.666:
That's the best bet. It happens sometimes.

Thanks, it worked. Problem now is that once i've joined a game, I seemed to get kicked after a bit and the game tells me it couldnt connect to the VAC server.

Close Steam, elete the .blob file in your Source directory, restart Steam. It will do a little update thingie and you should be fine.


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